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How to deal with lack of motivation and thoughts of doubt?

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I have clear what is going to be my Number 1 and only focus for this year and the following to come, it is it's clearing up my traumas totally, developing my groundedness, self-love-self power, and overall my masculine energy which is highly deficient. If I overcome this/conquer this project, I intuit the possibilities of what I can create in my life are amazing and give me goosebumps just feeling them. 

However , apart from those "moments", much of the rest of the day, its a grueling challenge. 

Each day after work, I save  2-3 hours to work on this life project. But some days just seem so difficult and draining, that sometimes I don't see the point in so much struggle. Because I start to think, "nothing gives happiness, its just an illusion, all this struggle won't make you fulfilled, maybe you won't ever "get there, etc"

I feel this thoughts and beliefs set me back a lot and make me do a lot less that I could do to grow in my progress. 

Edited by Javfly33

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I think you're on the right track. Life purpose is not the end of the road just like relationships, material stuff, etc. I guess the more you can integrate your life purpose with your spiritual growth the more you can get out of both. I would say let go of the idea that achieving your life purpose is the only thing that will make you happy. And then you can pursue it from this more detached place and everything you do achieve is a bonus and/or a celebration of life, just like relationships are a bonus to your life. Hope that helps. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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There isn’t a past or future. 

You’re always creating, ‘now’, so to speak. 

What you’re creating can be a story about a separate self with a past & a future, and the plights & struggles therein. 

But this is like vacuuming without plugging it in first. One can go through the motions, but not much actually changes. 




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You must learn to recondition your subconscious beliefs. Remember your subc is based on past stories, beliefs and identities. And to let go of these doubts and worries, you have to recondition yourself to be unafraid of them. Act real until you become the person you want to be. I learnt this from John Assaraf,

There are of course other processes such as letting go, visualisation and meditation.

Edited by hyruga

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On 14.1.2022 at 10:13 PM, Javfly33 said:

it is it's clearing up my traumas totally, developing my groundedness, self-love-self power, and overall my masculine energy which is highly deficient. If I overcome this/conquer this project, I intuit the possibilities of what I can create in my life are amazing and give me goosebumps just feeling them.

That's great. What are you doing to achieve these goals and what is it that's really troubling you?

Edited by Federico del pueblo

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On 14-1-2022 at 10:13 PM, Javfly33 said:

I have clear what is going to be my Number 1 and only focus for this year and the following to come, it is it's clearing up my traumas totally, developing my groundedness, self-love-self power, and overall my masculine energy which is highly deficient. If I overcome this/conquer this project, I intuit the possibilities of what I can create in my life are amazing and give me goosebumps just feeling them. 

However , apart from those "moments", much of the rest of the day, its a grueling challenge. 

Each day after work, I save  2-3 hours to work on this life project. But some days just seem so difficult and draining, that sometimes I don't see the point in so much struggle. Because I start to think, "nothing gives happiness, its just an illusion, all this struggle won't make you fulfilled, maybe you won't ever "get there, etc"

I feel this thoughts and beliefs set me back a lot and make me do a lot less that I could do to grow in my progress. 

The 1% rule, each day builds up, and when you give yourself that chance to not do what you are supposed to do, you start from 0. We always run from tension when it rises and becomes too hard to step through. When you finally compound that 1% each day over those 3 months lets say, everything becomes easy and your life changes. What matters is pushing through the resistance and not letting yourself don't do it. And if you feel like you really can't do it and you slip into apathy, then do more basic stuff first that builds your self-trust and self-esteem. Like basic goal setting. daily cold showers, healthy eating, waking up early, daily meditation. Basic stuff that gives you the self-trust to push through the more difficult emotions. How can you ever be consistent with difficult things like healing your emotions if you can't trust yourself to keep the easy stuff consistent. All adds up. 1% rule baby. 

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