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Navigating Genderqueer or Bigender?

3 posts in this topic

So the last two years or so I have found myself identifying more and more with this but really have no one (that can understand this) I can talk about it with, I would prefer the term 'two-spirit' but it is reserved for Indigenous... For anyone out there who identifies themselves this way (ie, having both feminine and masculine traits, unrelated to your sexual orientation), I am curious what circumstances do you find yourself preferring to act/dress/behave in one gender over the other? Do you often get people who may think that you're also bisexual or gay when you are being more the opposite gender (understandable)? 

For me, it seems like I've developed a pattern of whenever I'm in a professional setting I would prefer to dress/act more masculine, and feminine when it comes to romantic situations (makes sense given my sexual orientation..).  

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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20 minutes ago, puporing said:

For me, it seems like I've developed a pattern of whenever I'm in a professional setting I would prefer to dress/act more masculine, and feminine when it comes to romantic situations (makes sense given my sexual orientation..).  

Why are you fragmenting your identity based on the setting? 

The goal is to incorporate both the feminine and masculine within the same identity, without doing the fragmentation.

Otherwise, you fall out of integrity with yourself based on your environment. 

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@JosephKnecht Hmm.. interesting, I feel like this is the result of me integrating them. I do just enjoy exploring the polarities of masculine and feminine, and show up the way that feels comfortable rather than how I'm supposed to show up. It feels more true to me, I think I just got to embrace it even more.


But yeah to your point, it's not actually so black and white like that, hard to explain, it does get mixed up and it's not always dependent on the setting or how I'm dressed at the time. It's usually a pretty conscious choice how I'm choosing to show up moment to moment. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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