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Majority Report blames Biden for failing to pass voting rights

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Sam mentions how Biden is no LBJ and should've tried since the very beginning of his administration to play hardball politics on the Republicans and conservative Democrats. He now says that the speech Biden gave in Georgia on voting rights sounded good, but that it was too late.

Given, that the Martin Luther King holiday is right around the corner and the fact that the voting rights of minorities all around the USA are in serious jeopardy, I think that this is a very appropriate time for all of us on this forum to talk about this extremely important issue.

Edited by Hardkill

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Its hard to see how this will play out. Republicans are making a huge mistake thinking they can disenfranchise large segments of the population and still maintain any semblance of peace. Its creating the conditions for some very bad things to happen. 



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54 minutes ago, abundance said:

Its hard to see how this will play out. Republicans are making a huge mistake thinking they can disenfranchise large segments of the population and still maintain any semblance of peace. Its creating the conditions for some very bad things to happen. 



Well, I pray that one day there will be another major, powerful voting and equal rights movement in the US like the US abolitionist movement in the 1800s or the civil rights movements in the mid 1900s. 

Edited by Hardkill

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