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Thought Art

Perfect Alignment - Balancing Yin and Yang and Blooming The Golden Flower

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This is a journal to record contemplations on balancing Yin and Yang and Enlightenment through psychedelics, self inquiry and Qigong. I will also be included certain yoga practices (Prana = Qi) and breathwork. 

Some books I am reading/ Are on my Reading List:

The Secret of The Golden Flower

The Way of Qigong

The Way of The Five Elements

Simple Chi Kung

Cosmic Nutrition

Total Forgiveness

The Tao of Fully Feeling

Qigong means to become skillful with our energy. There are three types of Qigong (Qi = Life force energy, Chit, physical body etc) (gong = To work with or be skillful with). 

1. Martial (Tai Chi, Kung Fu, etc)

2. Spiritual (Three treasures, Microcosmic Orbit)

3. Medical/ Preventative care (5 Elements)

These total about 3000 styles of Qigong around the world...

There are some like 600 types of Qi but the three major categories are:

1. Jing (body, sexual fluids etc)

2. Qi (Bioelectricity, life force energy)

3. Shen (Mind, Consciousness, awareness)

Qi is a meta-term for the overall governing happening and intelligence of the human body and of life in general.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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To me it is obvious that to be a good Qigong teacher and practitioner one must know:

1. Qi theory

2. Accupressure theory

3. Meditation/ mindfulness

4. Visualization

5. 5 Element theory and the generation cycle 

6. Anatomy (western and Chinese)

7. How the human body works (western and chinese) 

8. Yoga Theory (Western, Agatha, Krys, Kindalini)

9. The science of Fascia

10. Understanding of higher states of consciousness through psychedelics

11. Taoist Nutrition 

12. Western Psychology Including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

13. Embodiment sciences

14. Mind Body Connection

15.  Chinese Medicine Theory

16. Western and Eastern ideas of the functioning of the organs and chemicals in the body

17. Large repertoire of Qigong techniques and there function/ application

18. Body Awareness

19. Forgiveness and selflessness

20. Universal Love and Understanding 

21. Direct experience in the application of the techniques, practices, theories and concepts 

22. Healing sounds

23. Integrity

24. Wisdom

25. Truthfulness

26. A non-dogmatic and open minded attitude.

27. An understanding of holistic thinking        

28. An understanding of non-duality

29. An understanding of the philosophy of science 



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No smoking or it is done verrrrrrry rarely

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What systems do I need in place to contemplate, research and share this information in a sustainable tangible way?

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Some Basic Principles of the 5 Elements in our practice. Though, the 5 elements are more complex and each element contains dualities.... The 5 elements also pair to a Yin and a Yang organ which I will talk more about including the neurochemistry related to the organs.


In a Qigong practice we have these aspects of out practice.... We use the basic generation cycle to get us into our ideal state etc.  Think archetypically and systems.

  1. Generation Cycle: Metal -> Water -> Wood -> Fire -> Earth -> Metal etc         
  2.  Control cycle: Water Controls Fire, If we want to grow fire we add wood
  3. Fire controls metal if you want to control metal you heat it up and mold it
  4.   Metal Controls wood - with metal you can cut a tree
  5. Wood Controls Earth - the roots grow deep down into the earth and keep it contained 
  6.  The banks of the earth control the water       

Can use the Control cycle in medicine, practice and in life.


Energy - Metal

Relax/ flow - Water

Resiliency - Wood

Enjoyment  / Feeling Good -  Fire

Center - Earth


Each of the above elements also contains its polar opposite 


Lack of Energy - Metal


 Stressed - Water


 Fragile - Wood 


 Anger -  Fire 


Uncentered - Wood 



Within a Metal element type of movement there are water, wood, fire, and earth aspects that can be included in each of the aspects of the generation cycle. So you may be in a fire aspect to begin a practice to wake up the body, but include aspects of metal, water, wood, earth and earth.   

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Qigong requires life long mastery

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The Eight Limbs of Patanjali's yoga sutras:

1. Yama - Morality

2. Niyama - Self purification

3. Asana - Posture

4. Pranayama -Breath Control

5. Pratyahara - Sense control

6. Dharana - Intention

7. Dyana - Meditation

8. Samadhi - Absorption/ contemplation 

From :The First 20 Hours


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Nootropics are a part of this as well 


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Your body's PH is also important.

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Old video I recorded


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1. Yoga mat, meditation cushion, yoga wheel, staps, block

2. Acupressure pad, ball and other tools: 

3. Muscle guasha or muscle scrapers -

4. Best bed on the market - mattress&cpn=907991493&&utm_medium=sr&utm_source=go&utm_content=gco&utm_campaign=907991493&utm_term=br&gclsrc=ds&gclsrc=ds

5. Water filter

6. Stainless Steel Kettle

7. Water holding Vessel to swirl water -

8. Flaska for spring water like water

9. PH testing paper

10 Nootropics

11. Psychedelics

12. Books on Qigong, etc 

13. Laptop for learning at home

14. High quality incense

15. Episome salts

16. Probiotics 

17. Herbal medicines to heal organs, tissues and nervous system

18. Gongfu tea brewing set and puerh tea 

19. Kindle, reMarkable Tablet, and a carrying case for them to study in nature, at cafes etc... Distraction free reading and note taking that is mobile and light.

20 Elastic bands to stretch and pull

‘Till every room in my house is filled with shit I could live without! I need it… I want it… everything now!’

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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This moment is absolutely perfect. 

Thank you.

Your welcome.

Of course.



Universal Family. Together. Forever.

One Love.

Oh, yes. I remember.

What else would it be?


Edited by Thought Art

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Path of the Wounded Healer - Alex Grey


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Trapped in a prism, in a prism of light
Alone in the darkness, darkness of white
We fell in love, alone on a stage
In the reflective age

Entre la nuit, la nuit et l'aurore
Entre les royaumes, des vivants et des morts
If this is heaven
I don't know what it's for
If I can't find you there
I don't care

I thought, I found a way to enter
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
I thought, I found the connector
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

Now, the signals we send, are deflected again
We're still connected, but are we even friends?
We fell in love when I was nineteen
And I was staring at a screen

Entre la nuit, la nuit et l'aurore
Entre les voyants, les vivants et les morts
If this is heaven
I need something more
Just a place to be alone
'Cause you're my home

I thought, I found a way to enter
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
I thought, I found the connector
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor) Just a reflektor

It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

reflektor (Just a reflektor)
(Just a reflektor) just a reflektor
(Just a reflektor) just a reflektor (reflektor)
(Just a reflektor)
(Just a reflektor)
(Just a reflektor, just a reflektor)
(Just a reflektor, just a reflektor)

Just a reflection, of a reflection
Of a reflection, of a reflection, of a reflection
Will I see you on the other side? (Just a reflektor)
We all got things to hide (Just a reflektor)
It's just a reflection of a reflection
Of a reflection, of a reflection, of a reflection
Will I see you on the other side? (Just a reflektor)
We all got things to hide (Just a reflektor)

Alright, let's go back
Our song escapes, on little silver discs
Our love is plastic, we'll break it to bits
I want to break free, but will they break me?
Down, down, down, don't mess around

I thought, I found a way to enter
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
I thought, I found the connector
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

It's just a reflektor

It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)

Thought you would bring me to the resurrector
Turns out it was just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
Thought you would bring to me the resurrector
Turns out it was just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
Thought you would bring to me the resurrector
Turns out you were just a reflektor
It's just a reflektor (It's just a reflektor)
(It's just a reflektor) Just a reflektor

Just a reflektor
Just a reflektor
Just a reflektor
Will I see you on the other side?
It's just a reflektor
Will I see you on the other side? (reflektor)
We all got things to hide (reflektor)
Just a reflektor
Will I see you on the other side?

a selecter... a selecter....

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I'm gonna see if I can manage to afford Tao Yin program

Also white Tiger has a bundle on sale right now I wish I could afford

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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They say in Taoism we were all born energetic millionaires

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