The Buddha

The First Enlightenment-Centric Nation is a Reality!!!

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I'm overflowing in joy, I would never think this moment would arrive, less to say this soon! The change in a macro scale has been triggered by Nithyananda, Kailasa has everything needed to be recognised as a nation. Kailasa is pioneer in conscious centric society, pioneer in Enlightenment centric civilizational nation. This is the big awakening we all have been waiting for, this is the starting signal, this is just the beginning! A nation ruled by an incarnation/avatar, trained thoroughly since he was 3 years old by enlightened Gurus. This is the future of countries, the next evolution step in human development. All Earth will look like this in the future and it's starting now. This is where all is leading, sooner or later, it's inevitable!


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petition to buy Leo a golden staff.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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4 hours ago, The Buddha said:

A nation ruled by an incarnation/avatar, trained thoroughly since he was 3 years old by enlightened Gurus.

They already tried that in Tibet, how's it working out? 

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Hasn't he lost all credibility already? Remember when he started recruiting westerners who were staying in the ashram to do online marketing on youtube? At first they were excited and happy but eventually we started seeing that there was a great darkness there. The sleep deprivation and hard work they all had to endure while staying there, legal troubles, videos of Nithyananda getting angry and yelling at people and then when Sarah Landry discovered that the children were beaten and forced to perform fake akashic readings, their online presence turned against them and most followers realized that Nithyananda can't be trusted.

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@Seraphim Why on earth is he wearing all this golden stuff? Is not a guru supposed to be minimalistic?


"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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This is the “god-emperor” style of government. In practice it means rule by a totalitarian cult. They present themselves as enlightened beings, but the reality tends to be much darker. Tibet was like this for centuries, and there are a lot of horror stories about the lamas’ abuses of power. We got a taste of it in the USA when Osho set up his base in a small town in Oregon. His followers tried to take over the town; they put poison in a salad bar to prevent people from voting. That’s the kind of thing you often get when you’re ruled by an avatar or all-powerful spiritual master. There’s a great book called Darkness Over Tibet that describes this kind of society.

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The first nation totally run on delusion you mean. I mean apart from the US

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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This dude sets off my fake guru alarm like crazy.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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23 hours ago, silene said:

They already tried that in Tibet, how's it working out? 

Not true, in tibet the state is insterested in economic prosperity. That is why tibet has always been concerned with having so many monks in the population because they are not able to sustain themselves.

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Mmm, all truly enlightened beings either they are not in the world or they face inmense opposition from the status quo. For me it's in fact a clear sign that someone is genuine, that there is something amazing going on there.

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@Knowledge Hoarder

Yeah but you are being deluded in the sense that you are not integrated with the statement you have just said. If I torture or kill you, you are going to care very much. Only a liberated being can say that. And also from an absolute perspective it doesn't matter if you rule or you do not. You are just narrowing down the possibilities of the infinite. It's like we are playing uno and you say me well in the absolute perspective this game is nonsense, of course we all know it! But we still play and enjoy!
Watch leo's episode absolute and relative truth, will open your eyes.

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@Space Lizard If you fall with Osho man... you would have killed Jesus at the time. You don't realise how much oppositon they must encounter from the status quo and this is just a clear example.


@aurum The same was for me, but literally all my gurus right now I thought they were deluded and cult leaders when I first saw them. Leo the first one in fact. But you just experience for yourself and do research. You will see Nithyanada is in fact the sucesor of almost all hindu traditions and is the supreme pontif of hinduism, and all the non-dual teachings that you praise here come from india.

Literally you have to understand that if it's not india, who is going to make such a country? You are just shocking with your social conditioning and some open-mindedness is required to understand the cutting edge. I stand for my words and for what I'm saying you will see tha Kailsa will change and is already changing the world.

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1 hour ago, The Buddha said:

Not true, in tibet the state is insterested in economic prosperity. That is why tibet has always been concerned with having so many monks in the population because they are not able to sustain themselves.

It looks like we have a different understanding of Tibet. My version is, that the Tibetan state is living in exile in northern India, while their country is occupied, colonised, and its mineral wealth taken by a foreign power, China. Maybe the Dalai Lama is interested now in economics, but he's not in charge of Tibet at the moment. 

Tibet used to have limited contact with the outside world until the 20th C, which limited its economic development but being essentially a Buddhist theocracy (so to speak) they valued different things anyway.  They could sustain themselves at a basic living standard for most of the population, but lack of economic strength meant they didn't have a very effective military to withstand the Chinese invasion apart from the difficult terrain. 

Anyway, this issue isn't just about Tibet with it's own particular history, but about a broader question of rule by enlightened gurus. Does that mean we should do away with democracy and have some cabal decide who is enlightened enough to rule over us? Who chooses the people who decide who the next ruler will be? We would need enlightened people to choose an enlightened ruler. Sorry but I don't see how this would work. 

Edited by silene

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@Knowledge Hoarder

Well the luxury is sacred jewerly, which has been used for more than 10.000 years and he is also reviving tools that help you in your spiritual journey. Which are in fact, surprisingly useful. I myself didn't believe him, what I did? I bougth for myself some blessed and energised rudraksha and experienced directly it's influence in my system. From now on I'm full of rudraksha and I probably bypassed at least 5 years of sadhana just by this. It's easy to talk but to in fact go and check for yourself what everybody is saying is more rare. I mean it's the first thing all masters say, hey don't trust me try it for yourself. I opened my third eyes thanks to his science and methods. That is the best thing it's time tested by millions of people through history, it's sanatana hindu dharma, it truly works. Almost 99% of all spiritual understanding and gurus are from india, so someone who is reviving and doing all the hard work for the sake of humanity is lovely. The point is that is a very integral and all embracing stand point, most people just one some parts of their lives to be afected by their paths, but hinduism is all about integrating all parts of our existance. Also I'm not biased against hinduism, I tried almost all religions and picked the best from all but hinduism seems a true gold mine, the more you dig the better it gets. I'm just taking advantatge of wisdom transmited generations to generation, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel if it works I'm going to use it.

Yeah but I understand that most people are still reluctanct I would also be, but this is such anamazing step in human history that I was sure other conscious beings would have the vision and openmindedness enough to see it. To see what is truly going on and grasp the essence of the avatar of our times. Nithyananda is the guy you would see one thousands years from now and you would say woah, I hope I was alive at that time. But hey avatars just come once in 700-1400 years so we are pretty lucky but as always they are oppresed misunderstood, they make religions of them, false accusations and so forth so on.

Just wanted this as a record and sorry if I was over emotional reactive in the other answers but I was in a hurry and also a bit sad not being able to share this great corner stone in human history, Time will speak, he said millions of people arround the world would manifest powers, everyone laughed now it is a reality, I have also experienced such powers. He said that he would revive kailasa and make an enligthenment-centric nation, everyone laughed, now is a reality. He has taken responsability for the awakening of all human beings in this era, everyone laughed... Time will speak my friends, lots of love. Just give him a try, connect with him, I'm telling you, you will understand, experience and realise all that I'm talking here.

nithi-nithiyanandha.gif darshan.gifnithiyanandha-nithi108.gif


Om Nithyananda ParamaShivoham


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Anyone who puts on a big, pompous show like that is a fraud, beware of "gurus" like him... Even Oshos's crazy plan to build a community failed, a "enlightenmnet-centric country" is ridiculous?

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