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Imagining My Past

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I'm remembering my past, like I studied in this university and learned this and that and this and that, so is it all actually that, from the absolute perspective, I am imagining all of that now? Then that means that I can change my history and become someone who studied in another university in another department and become someone who has already known the other things, like the stories of people who took a hit on their heads and started to speak fluently in another language, that they didn't know, overnight. 

I understand that it is all, past present and future, consciousness imagining stuff, like, for instance, consciousness is imagining a language called English and a thing called a website and a concept and so forth, and yeah. I understand that at the ultimate level all knowledge and history and so forth, even this very world that we are living in is an imagination, and therefore, of course, at the ultimate, the absolute level, consciousness can be capable of doing such things like creating another universe and history and so forth. 

But I also understand that while it is, mechanically, sotospeak, possible for consciousness to experience such things, and in that sense, creating the idea that it has experienced such and such things, and so forth, like changing the past and the present and the future and so forth, but yeah, I probably cannot, for whatever reason, from my physical human perspective, experience such shifts, hmhm. 

So, if I imagine that I have actually studied in this and this and this and that university a programme which I have "actually" did not study, then probably I will not be able to imagine in a way that serves me well in "this world" that we are living in, so it will probably be like me lying or being fake, and so forth, because I have this belief within me that says I actually have not studied those things and I actually do not already, already, know those things. So perhaps, at the absolute level perspective, I'm imagining being someone who does not know those things and therefore am experiencing being someone who does not, already, knows those things, hmhm. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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@Vibroverse your memories are like the edited highlights of a sports match. You could re-edit them or change them completely and you could rewire your identity that way (this is kind of what therapy does). But some things, like learning a language, can only be done by actually going through the process, which always takes time.

It's like the difference between moving chairs around for better feng shui or making a chair from scratch. It's the difference between autobiographical memory and procedural memory.

Of course if you were God you could do anything you liked.

57% paranoid

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