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What's your opinion on Islam?

124 posts in this topic

8 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Islam suppresses and denys our humanity

How so?

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7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How so?

He’s a homosexual, he means islam rejects homosexuality 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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18 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

@Someone here just look at how they dress their women...


I guess nuns dress the same way in Christianity. 

15 minutes ago, vizual said:

He’s a homosexual, he means islam rejects homosexuality 

Islam does reject homosexuality though. 

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tried to read the quran once but stopped after a while

found it kind of boring and repetitive but i've stopped reading many books after a while, might just be my add

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Regarding Islam, the interesting thing is that it appears differently in different places. It is one thing in Iran, another thing is Afghanistan and Pakistan and totally different in the West.

I am thinking of developing the theory of "geographical Islam" xD

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1 minute ago, Elham said:

Regarding Islam, the interesting thing is that it appears differently in different places. It is one thing in Iran, another thing is Afghanistan and Pakistan and totally different in the West.

I am thinking of developing the theory of "geographical Islam" xD

that's the same with all religions though

it's always, religions/ideology mixed with cultures and other things

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Just now, PurpleTree said:

that's the same with all religions though

it's always, religions/ideology mixed with cultures and other things

Well ya, but in Islam the differences are enormous!

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1 minute ago, Elham said:

Well ya, but in Islam the differences are enormous!

I'm sure they are and i'm not saying your theory wouldn't be interesting


Christianity too though

Orthodox/Catholic/Protestant/Armenian etc. they're very different

there used to be wars between Catholics and Protestants a few hundred years ago in Europe

i think the differences in Christianity just seem less now because religion is much less important for example in Europe now than it used to be, most people don't really care

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1 hour ago, vizual said:

He’s a homosexual, he means islam rejects homosexuality 

I am not homo you little pig. 

Nothing against homos, but I do not like it when stage blue poopheads spread misinformation about me.

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

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5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

My bare honest opinion. 

I have had Muslim friends. They were nice people. At the same time I have to confess that they tried to impose their religion on me. 

This never happened with the vast majority of my Christian friends. Nobody ever tried to convert me. 

But my Muslim friends would constantly indirectly signal me to take up Islam. 

It seems that Muslims have low tolerance for other religions and they try to impose their religion on others whenever they get a chance. They complain that others aren't tolerant of their religion, but it's mostly the other way around. I was never intolerant of their practices or rituals or religious ideas. In fact they were not tolerant of mine. 

A simple example of this is when my friend who was Muslim told me to wear a burqa. I had to explain to him that I'm a Hindu and that I don't wear hijab and burqa. But he said that I should wear it despite that and that all women should wear burqa. Then I had to tell him to not impose his way of living on me. 

Other than that I never ran into any trouble with Muslims. The only part that caused some stress was that they are not very accepting of another religion.

The other thing that I noted is that Muslims rarely ever tolerate a negative opinion on Islam/Muslims especially from a non - Muslim, they get very defensive and act offended and make any criticism of Islam by a non Muslim look like a crime. 

Not trying to offend, just giving my opinion based on personal experiences. 


I actually have had the opposite happened to me. 

I am Jewish and I've have had Christian friends and other Christian missionaries out there who tried to convert me or persuade me to join their services, religion, or church. Yet, I had a muslim roommate when I was in college who turned out to be a good friend of mine and not one time did he ever to try to impose his religious beliefs nor did he ever try to convince me to join his religion or mosque.



Edited by Hardkill

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There's a lot that could be said about it, good and bad, depending on your values.

And truly, unless you've studied Muhammad, read at least like 50% of the Quran and read some Hadiths, it's hard to generate a genuine accurate opinion about it. 

However, just from surface studying, - the Quran is quite dry and not hopeful, it's more punishment/judgmental oriented, just from reading the first Surah. It sort of denies God's connection to the material world. And Muhammad's actions are immoral in my opinion.

His experiences of God may be true, but I don't consider him a perfect human being like Muslims suggest or that his teachings are something to center my life around.

Edited by SgtPepper

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It is a beautiful religion if you like killing apostates.


Edited by Epikur

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I see Islam as a useful antidote to many of the excesses of secular, progressive, materialist civilization. Some of the best critiques of this civilization come from Muslims living in the West. The idea that Islam is about terrorism or killing apostates or whatever is mostly propaganda. If there are powerful extremists operating in the world today, it's the secular technocratic elite, whose primary goals seem to be the total dehumanization of the world, the destruction of the human soul, and putting themselves on the throne formerly reserved for God.

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Every Muslim I’ve met has been really great ? 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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It is good to divide yourself based on race and skin colours / regions. 




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there are 6000 pages of books called tafseer of quran. tafseer means background of quran. sometimes verses in quran means one thing and the context of the verses means another thing. usa is heavily involved in middle east to steal the oil.but they need to justify their action.hence they deamonize islam.when u try to learn islam u need to take information from non islamophobic sources.muslims ruled middle east for 1000 years.if islam odered to kill nonmuslims then u will not find a single non muslim in middle east. islam fought 2 major superpowers at that time and beat them in 30 years. muslims come out of nowhere and beat greek and persian empire.modern day equivalent of it would be , like afghanistan beating usa and russia at the same time and taking their land.persian and roman empire teamed up to defeat muslims but they still couldnt do it. if killing non muslims was true then all the non muslims will immediately be killed after islam couquered a place as they are now the major super power and they can do whatever the fuck they want. but instead u find a lot of non muslims in middle east. greece has non muslims. syria has non muslims. iraq has non muslims. infact a christian who lives in iraq  is on this forum.non muslims of middle east have their ancestor family tree starting 1000s of years ago





Edited by itachi uchiha

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