
Anyone else experience nightmares as they go through personal/life changes?

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I do. 

Recently I have experienced a lot of personal growth - and, of course, the nightmares came with this. 

This time they were horrible:

In one, there was a shooting in the mall I work in.  The shooter, armed with a machine gun, was threatening to kill my only male coworker (I work in a hair salon).  None of our cell phones would work to call the cops.  I had to make the decision: would my coworkers and me stay with our male coworker, or would we sneak out the back when the shooter couldn't see?  (Sounds unrealistic that he wouldn't see, but this is a dream we're talking about.)  Eventually, I decided we would go out the back, but when we went out the back, we were swarmed by sea of crackheads.  (I live in an area with lots of drug use.)

In another, I started going out with an ex of mine again, and his OTHER ex-girlfriend wouldn't leave us alone.  Eventually, she tried to stab me to death.  (Side note: this ex-girlfriend of his, wasn't real.  Like, she sort of symbolized various exes he has, but was all of them and none of them, at the same time.)

In another, I was lost in the middle of the woods/by the sea.  On a camping trip.  Even though the world around me was beautiful, I was quite stressed about how I would find my way home.

And finally, the last dream involved me going into Ardenes.  (Yes, the shitty, fast fashion clothing store that I used to love prior to my Spiral Dynamics Stage Green awakening lol).  In the Ardenes, I saw an adult man admit to the retail workers that he loved how 'slutty' the clothes were getting because he loved seeing all the young teenage girls in them.  The workers laughed this off, but I knew this comment had been the tip of the pedophilia ice burg.  I then watched the man buy some shitty pair of necklaces, one that said 'Daddy' and another that said 'Babygirl'.  (No, I've never actually seen this at Ardenes, but this is a dream lol.)  The workers, of course, let him buy it.  I was stressed.  I began making my round on the shop, filling my basket with all kinds of crap I didn't need, even though I didn't want to, purely because I was stressed.

Okay, so does anyone else experience distressing dreams when going through personal changes or life changes?  And what the hell do you think these dreams mean?

I write pieces that make the reader think.

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39 minutes ago, melodydanielluna said:

Okay, so does anyone else experience distressing dreams when going through personal changes or life changes?  And what the hell do you think these dreams mean?

All the time. Its you overcoming your obstacles. And how you deal with them, defines your Strengths. At least it did for me.   
I would recommend taking these, and writing them down. See if there is a common theme/pattern. And build a map or a big picture understanding of how they correlate to your waking day to day dream.
Use them to overcome your fears, and create a better, Now.

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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I dreamed many times that I had to run away from some danger, and that I was killing in defense. Dreams are simply emotional response.

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@Vincent S Interesting!  I guess the underlying theme is that I am confused, know something is wrong but don’t know what to do.

Interesting, because this morning I witnessed evidence to believe my neighbour is involved in some criminal activity, and I grappled with my decision about whether or not to report it all day.

But eventually I reported it.  And that felt right.  So maybe these dreams are encouraging me to trust my instincts?

I write pieces that make the reader think.

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4 hours ago, melodydanielluna said:

Interesting, because this morning I witnessed evidence to believe my neighbour is involved in some criminal activity, and I grappled with my decision about whether or not to report it all day.

I havent been in such a situation before. Cant really give any advice or my two cents on that. :P

4 hours ago, melodydanielluna said:

So maybe these dreams are encouraging me to trust my instincts?

Trusting your gut, is the best guidance for yourself, because you are being guided by your Ultimate Self.
Your life and your existence is Infinite. Its an Infinite Maze that only you know how to get out of. You know, because you designed it ;)

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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The belief in personal growth is discordant with the truth that there are no people or separate selves. Holding that belief or framing, naturally you’ll experience weird dreams all about separate selves and weird happenings therein, because the mind has to wrestle between what is actual and what is believed… which happened as you’re waking up in the morning btw, even though it seems like it’s a memory of a dream that happened while you were sleeping. Being open minded (no need to ‘get it’) to this next time it happens will change how it’s thought of and experienced, and the nightmares will stop. 

(The shooting & lost in the woods) You are already and always Home, there’s no picking between people, and there are no doors one can exit love through. 

(The ex’s) The ex is equally as real & unreal as the dreamt second ex. 

(Ardenes) Because there are no separate selves, any judgments are mental ‘crap you don’t need’. 



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