
Covid finally got me

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Hey guys hope you all are well... I have been travelling a lot in these last 2 years but was fortunate enough to not get covid until last week, I tested positive yesterday.

Have a bad throat and body pain but no fever....

Have a certain anger towards the medical industry as I have been taking medicines for the last few months(last 4 months) for migrane and stuff and even if any thing happens to my stomach like loose motions.

I feel because of the medicines my immune system got week and I finally got the virus. 

Also I have been double vaccinated but now I feel the vaccination was a scam, cause I didn't get covid when I was not vaccinated !

Anyways now is the best time for me to catch up with Leo's content to meditate more, listen to more books.



Edited by Elton
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7 hours ago, Elton said:

Also I have been double vaccinated but now I feel the vaccination was a scam, cause I didn't get covid when I was not vaccinated !

 Vaccine DOES NOT protect you from getting the virus. Only 100% isolation does (if you wanna go to that extreme). Vaccination definitely isn't a scam but perhaps without it your experience would have been worse.  It is supposed to accelerate your immune response by already having prepared antibodies and memory T-cells.

Imagine a scenario where you own a small hut in the forest and a winter hits. If you previously spent a month preparing wood stores, you're good. But if you forgot and only started looking for wood now after winter has come, chances are you are f...ed or at least you'll have to work harder to get those supplies now in the state of crisis.  That's kinda how the vaccine works. It just gets to body prepared better but it does not minimise the chance of actually catching the virus (physically) 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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8 hours ago, Elton said:

Also I have been double vaccinated but now I feel the vaccination was a scam, cause I didn't get covid when I was not vaccinated !

you know this is selfdeception with huge confirmation bias. 

i got covid before the vaccination it was not life threatening but enough that i didn’t want to get it a second time. 

you also have to consider that you probably got the omicron strain which is much more infective but often less severe than the delta for example.

when was your last vaccination - if longer than six month you would be already up for a booster, because the protection fades a bit. so be happy you didn’t get it full dose, it would probably be much harder on you. 

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@mememe @Michael569 but I do believe that the medicines I have been taking for migranes and stomach upsets and common colds have make my immunity week..

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@Michael569 Seriously, the vaccine is disappointing. Or did you anticipate getting it !three! (or more) times and still have suboptimal protection and be infectious. 

@Elton These pills will have a toll on you. They don't make you healthy, they only suppress symptoms of illness.
Proper nutrition and elimination of toxins will make you healthy.

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I got it too ?.

I spent a night with a racing heart, sweating like crazy, eyes burning and tearing up, feverish. 

It's like day 3 maybe and I'm less feverish with the help of some Naproxen. My throat hurts like a MF though and I'm sluggish. 

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19 minutes ago, Ima Freeman said:

Or did you anticipate getting it !three! (or more) times and still have suboptimal protection and be infectious. 

Well, if you understood immune system you'd appreciate the endless complexity of needing to develop ultimate protection from everybody. It is pretty much an impossible challenge given that a single virus molecule can have hundreds of differents recognition points that we need antibodies for. 

Yes, getting covid is the best "natural vaccine" but for many people that will be fatal so we develop vaccines to reduce the likelihood of dying. Yes, we should all strive to have great health, a strong immune system and a great diet It is not a perfect solution but it protects the most vulnerable members of society. I'd rather get vaxed 10 times than go visit my grandparents and kill them both by spreading something to them and them dying due to being invaded. It is easy to be cocky for young healthy people who do not come ina lot of contact with vulnerable people. It is different if you have a degree of social responsibility and if your actions can lead to other people dying. 

Ideally, we would all work to improve our immune system and perfect our diets and lifestyles to achieve peak defence but the majority of people have neither interest nor information or enough education to do that so in order to prevent massive genocide we have to create artificial solutions. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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27 minutes ago, Elton said:

but I do believe that the medicines I have been taking for migranes and stomach upsets and common colds have make my immunity week..

yeah I believe that too. Medication rarely fixes chronic health problems. Pharmacology is a tool of suppression not healing 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 I don't say that the vaccine is a disaster, but if you would have asked people in 2020 what they expect from it and compare it to what it actually delivered, there is a little conflict. It isn't the game changer people expected it to be, thats what I wanted to say. 

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@Ima Freeman yeah ofcourse. Individual genetics, polymorphisms, microbiome balance and other individualised characteristics impact the efficacy of the vaccine. It is hard to create something that everybody will benefit from but I'm still grateful we have this option if only to protect the most vulnerable members of the society. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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51 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

@Ima Freeman yeah ofcourse. Individual genetics, polymorphisms, microbiome balance and other individualised characteristics impact the efficacy of the vaccine. It is hard to create something that everybody will benefit from but I'm still grateful we have this option if only to protect the most vulnerable members of the society. 


You don't protect them by getting vaccinated. You only somewhat protect yourself if you're in a risk group.

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6 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Vaccine DOES NOT protect you from getting the virus. Only 100% isolation does (if you wanna go to that extreme). Vaccination definitely isn't a scam but perhaps without it your experience would have been worse.  It is supposed to accelerate your immune response by already having prepared antibodies and memory T-cells.

?I am not against vaccination. It is just, I was vaccinated and had a worse experience after that than after Covid-19. My mother, who has lung and heart issues according to the doctors (there are a lot of good doctors and I love to be their patient, but there are also just bad ones, the same with nurses), was not vaccinated andvhas survived Covid-19, and apperantly my 83 years old grandmother. How is Covid killing anybody then? I am not denying it exists and is taking lives around the world. But I did not see one person die from it. Of course, just because you don't see something, does not mean that it does not exist.

BUT, I recommend everyone gets vaccinated.


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3 hours ago, Ima Freeman said:

@Michael569 I don't say that the vaccine is a disaster, but if you would have asked people in 2020 what they expect from it and compare it to what it actually delivered, there is a little conflict. It isn't the game changer people expected it to be, thats what I wanted to say. 

if more people would have gotten vaccinated earlier and we would have supported countries where new strains develop because of population density with enough vaccines (as much as possible) it would have been a game changer. and it maybe even has, some people hope for it starting to get an endemic, which means it developing into a less harmful strain while the old variation thinns out. for a lot of people it had a bridging effect and saved a lot of lifes. 

people sometimes think pharma is like taking a pill and everything is better, or they completely condemn it and don’t take it - if you make pharma responsible in both cases, what should anybody say? it’s a button pusher mentality we are confronted with, in ourselves the same as the world surrounding us, while the world stays highly complex and gets more complex every day.

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8 hours ago, Michael569 said:

 Vaccine DOES NOT protect you from getting the virus.

Is this true for all vaccines?

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14 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Vaccine DOES NOT protect you from getting the virus.

This is true, but I also think people have a right to be mad. It's not how the vaccine was originally marketed to us. We were promised that if enough people took the vaccine everything would go back to normal.

I still think getting vaccinated is the best course of action, as it's very effective at preventing hospitalization even with variants. But I get why people are frustrated. Especially on top of stuff like being told cloth masks are now useless after 2 years.

I was sick after Christmas and it converted me from initially being very against the booster, to in a position where I'll probably get it now. Even though I tested negative for covid (probably the flu), it sucked getting sick for a week straight and made me realize that I want to do as much as I can to avoid that when I do inevitably catch covid. If you haven't been sick for 2 years you probably forget how much it sucks, like me. And you definitely don't want to be hospitalized.

Edited by Yarco

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I have my vaccine scheduled in the end of January. I'm still scared to go out because don't want to catch Omicron. 

Still thinking whether I should get the vaccine or simply wait for Omicron to go away. 

So confused about this vaccine. 

Also is the vaccine really useful if I take it now, isn't it supposed to be taken long ago to develop immunity? 

I'm honestly never been so confused in life. 

I had expected Corona to go away by the end of 2021 and I thought I'll simply escape it. 

But now what. It never stops. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 minute ago, Marcel said:

I have my 2 shots + booster so 3 in total.

But I’m still confused about this whole situation myself. I honestly just got them because it’s supposed to be a “social responsibility” and so I guess I’m doing my part for herd immunity? Other then the fact that I basically live like a hermit and don’t interact with anyone, except my immediate family.

I don’t even know. With this much Information and Misinformation floating around I’m not really sure about anything.

So I feel you. You’re not alone hun bun ❤️?


Lmao. Go get a 4th shot. Then a 5th. 

I didn't even get my first shot yet 

You seem like a good Guinea pig to me. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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These booster shots are not without risks either.  Also the mortality rate of Omicron is a gift with how less severe the virus is.  Everyone has to do their own research and see whats best for them.

Edited by Kowabunga
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5 minutes ago, Marcel said:

I have my 2 shots + booster so 3 in total.

Why do you need a booster though? Isn't the first and the second vaccine supposed to solve all problems?


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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