
I'm fed up with existence. I need enlightenment. How?

25 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, roopepa said:

When there is a lot of confusion, addiction, mental health problems, it might not be over so easily.

Weeks and months of psychological torment, psychosis, panic attacks. I spent time in psych ward. Had to take antipsychotics.

It's probably true that psychedelics can be very helpful. But you gotta be really smart about it. When you are at your lowest, it's not always the best idea to go for potent healing methods. Even typical psychotherapy is not recommended if the patient is not doing well enough, because the healing process itself can be really hard and requires much energy. A lot of suffering comes up & out. Therapy works best when the patient has the clear intent and enough energy to heal. That intention and clarity for healing itself is where the healing comes. The therapist / psychedelic only guides.

Surely you are right, i can see that you know what you are talking about. it is a delicate matter and there is no universal solution. I have the tendency, like many, that if something is wrong you have to fix it immediately. that may work, or perhaps have the opposite effect as desired. each one has to assess and decide, but it is good to know that these options exist

Edited by Breakingthewall

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We are like bodybuilder coaches here, we can only tell you what to do, how to train your body, what not to do, but you will have to be the one who eventually experiences all the "annoying shit" that occurs beforehand

sit down, keep sitting down,

keep sitting down

keep sitting down

until a realization hits you


Edited by Mosess

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23 hours ago, Ananta said:


I'm sorry you are suffering. 

Both videos are Paul Hedderman he was addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. He quit and has talked on AA topics for many, many years. The first video is for the addict in you.

He also is a non-dualist and has a unique way of discussing it and an interesting personality.

The second video is one on awakening. He has a plethora of free videos on both topics on YouTube. He also has a website: Zenbitchslap.



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Thank you for all of your kind words and recommendations. I need to get help for my alcohol and underlying issues again. There's no other way out and another spiritual bypass isntgonna help either.

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have you ever thought about some kind of depression meds etc.?

for some people they're good for some they aren't

seems like you're self medicating

i don't know if you can force enlightenment like that

Edited by PurpleTree

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