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Why do I sleep for 11 hrs?

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I've started to have problems with the regimen since the end of the summer when it became colder. Before that, I was usually getting up at 6-7 AM. In autumn, usually, I was going to sleep around 00-02 AM - I was working on a personal project after job. Sometimes when I went to bed at 11 PM I couldn't sleep because I was thinking too much about my project (mostly because I didn't have enough time to work on it, in periods when I work on it enough, I feel it easier to let go of the thoughts about projects). During November I've got an extreme working schedule: 12hrs a day with no weekends. I was usually waking up at 10 and going to sleep at 00-02.

Right now I can't turn back to my loved 22-06 sleeping schedule. I go to bed somewhen at 23 and sleep till 09-10 AM. In the morning I simply can't wake up. Despite the fact I have inspiring work to do, I can't convince myself to get up (very interesting because at night I can't calm down and fall asleep).

It happens sometimes: I can't fall asleep for 1,5 hrs, then desperate, I check social media, maybe masturbate. Sleep problem is the main reason why I relapse at PMO.

I feel the following could be the cause:

  • Unpleasant sensations in belly
    • I wanted to address this issue by Anthony Williams 3:6:9 detox protocol, but I've moved to an isolated village where I don't have access to most of the ingredients
  • I don't exercise enough. Especially on a holiday day, when I was eating the whole day I just can't fall asleep.
  • I have chronic tension in my neck. Have big trouble relaxing it, even after a few rounds of body scan
  • I can't let go of thoughts about my projects

What I tried

  • Doing yoga. But because my daily regimen is wrecked, I can't do it consistently. So it is a self-perpetuating vicious circle
  • Jogging
    • I've stopped jogging because my muscles get stiff after 3 sessions of jogging (spread to the week), and I start to traumatize my legs
  • Drinking sedative teas: chamomile
  • I do Vipassana as I am laying on the bed
  • I stop computer work at 19, then only read books.
  • I've installed software that changes the light spectrum towards red (both to my phone and PC)

Actually I have a success of going to bed at 23 o'clock, but still, I usually wake up at 9-10 AM, which is still late.

I don't wanna use melatonin because it weakens your body's ability to produce melatonin.

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