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Problems With My Life Purpose

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Hello everyone :) I hope that you are having a great week. Im writing to ask about questions regarding my life purpose. Im still not certain weather or not following my desire to work as a concept artist is what I want to follow even though I thought that art was my passion. I have a couple of questions:

1. What purpose does the entertainment industry have? I see it as pointless and see myself wasting my potential to life a fulfilling life if I work there (the only thing that I feel that the industry does is easily fulfill our needs) , yet I want to work for an important studio like Naughty dog or Blizzard entertainment. I LOVE Video games and at the same time DISLIKE them. I understand that there are more art-like games, and while I love them I still feel like I want to work for the companies that I see as the ones on the top (not because of the money).

I seem to be very confused about what I want from my life. I know my values, and yet this dream... this... passion... doesn't fit my values. Truth is that my passion was created before I became more aware of the world around me. So I decided to write in what is most important to me and ask my questions regarding the industry.

Value: I want to put contribution first, by that I mean that I want to give to the world, humanity and the universe with all of my abilities and I even believe that maybe it would be best to NOT follow my passion, just so that I can contribute more. ( I now know that following my passion is probably whats best because I'll probably contribute more then). But... what if I can stop my passion and redirect all of my energy towards the most productive path and profession and somehow make THAT my passion. It seems a little bit... weird, wanting to give up my passion, time and desires just so I can fuilfil my most important desire, to contribute, to not waste my life, to live the self-actualized and sage life. I want THAT and yet I want art and the gaming industry.

So I want to ask:

2. Can I be a sage and life the self-actualized life AND be in the gaming industry and follow my passion (do they fit), do I have to give them up and find new ones, like psychology for instance ?


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There's no reason why you couldn't contribute to the world in the video game industry. If that's a passion of yours, go for it.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I would say the same as @aurum  . You never know what would happen in the future, the best bet is to follow your heart, try to follow your instinct. Don't overthink too much.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Don't think too much. You should pursue your passions. That's what life is for:D

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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You're struggling because you almost immediately changes your point. You want to find YOUR purpose, and you are looking for the purpose of an industry?



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On 1/6/2017 at 11:04 AM, Sharpadox said:

1. What purpose does the entertainment industry have? I see it as pointless and see myself wasting my potential to life a fulfilling life if I work there (the only thing that I feel that the industry does is easily fulfill our needs) , yet I want to work for an important studio like Naughty dog or Blizzard entertainment. I LOVE Video games and at the same time DISLIKE them. I understand that there are more art-like games, and while I love them I still feel like I want to work for the companies that I see as the ones on the top (not because of the money).

I feel you!  I had always had a nagging feeling that art - the thing that I thought was my real passion as a teen is meaningless and doing stuff just for arts sake is well not as inspiring. I had to choose between becoming an art major or a dentist and frankly I never regreted my decision- I feel that the things I draw are just for fun and the fact that I dont have to make money off of it makes it more sincere.  Having a stable job and money is great for an aspiring artist who is more the `down to earth` type. If you want to check if art is right for you sign up for an hard art class and see if drawing fucking fruits every single day for hours is what you really want. It might turn up that you only like the fun parts of it- freehand drawing and character creation which is very different than what your work will be

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@Sharpadox have you watched Leo's early videos? I can't recall exactly in which one it is, but there is one, (I believe the topic is life purpose, or at least is very closely related to that) where he shares his story finding the career path he wanted to follow.

I'm not saying he did "the right thing" nor am I suggesting that you copy what he did, but since he started as a game designer and actually succeeded at it before he founded, you might feel identified and it might give you a little perspective :) 

I'd recommend to you to look for it, maybe someone here can remember better and help you find it!

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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@Mondsee I believe you're talking about a video from the LP course (not sure which one). It's from the introduction section of the course.

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@PetarKa nope, it's on the youtube channel I haven't taken the course. Although probably he repeats his story in the course.

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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