
is this ADHD treatment marketable?

3 posts in this topic

so for a long time i am working on ADHD treatment, i am passionate about this project, i want to give people this gift that i found , it is really changed my life and i am still new to all the possibilities that i have in this new life that i got.

but i got a big problem with this treatment. it takes tons of practice to get it. i have been teaching lots of people about this method , they are belive that this will work and help them but they dont do it. even if the stick around for long time they bearly do half of what required from them. even if they know that they can have a better life and get their missions accomplished they wouldnt get motivated enought and part of it is the adhd itself.  so i am guessing that i would need somekind of environment that make them have new habits but the problem is that it is super expensive to do something like that copered to a talk , also i dont know if the case is they now just dont paying because i am still experimenting with this method.

so for adults the problem is that they have work to do, you cant do this while working , they need to invest lots of hours outside their time at work (even you can sprinkel some practicing in work) . i can work with a student and practicing while studying, actually the practice is good while studying and can help people study from the first time they are using it . i have helped students with it and they just dont use it, adhd people usually get at least pass and they are just happy with it, they dont care about all the suffering , from what i am seeing is that people are caring about doing the bare minimum and not more than this, life with adhd defenetly can accomplish this, it is not like depression which stops your life.

also this problem makes other problems, the ones that needs it the most are children and no way i can make a regular child to do this treatment so adhd is much harder. usually doctors giving them medications because it is really worth it compers to how adhd fucks you up, mental development is much more important than phisical one .

the other group is the people that are fine with adhd pills and dont care about the side effects , some even suffers from this pills and dont care because they do the bare minimum and that is all what matters.

the last one is the group that found strategies to deal with adhd . usually they will work at something that they can work with having adhd and have all kind of way to deal with that . this is kinda the population that would do the treatment if i would show in the right time but it is not worth for thier pov to put so much time.  adhd strategies arnt 100% and adhd symptoms still popping up some times . also i know from experience that their mood is shitty, not like depression but not like average people, the problem is that i cant telepaticly make them understand what mood they have compers to other people , they just used to it . another problem that they are facing is limited life , strategy cant be apllied to all places in life. there are some more problems like this strategies can take lots of effort and time wasting compers to my method some more problems that i can go into but it will be too long. 

the only group that i can work with is highschool people that stuck in school and cant strategies their life (and dont want meds of course) , some poeple in uni or college and people that want amazing life , or people that meds dont work for them and have some hard version of adhd.

still i dont know what it takes to work with each group . it is really hard to make people change their core habits, i dont really know how it was so easy for me .

should i not go to this mission? maybe i am wrong about my estimations?

i know that my life would be crap without this treatment, this treatment worth a lot to me. i want to give it to other people but i feel like i can give it to really few people and i can have bigger impact in other places.

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It sounds to me like you are in the early stages of making this into a successful method. 
That is, assuming that the method you are talking about actually works (which I have no clue about).
Just from the way you are talking about it, sounds like you are experimenting with different target groups, approaches to the method, approaches to the teaching, etc.
That is great. However, consider that having a successful technique/method that worked for you, is maybe 10% of the work of making it into a successful method that you can use as a business to help others.

So the question then becomes, are you willing to keep walking this path without the certainty that it will pan out into something successful?

Welcome to entrepreneurship ?

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30 minutes ago, Identity said:

It sounds to me like you are in the early stages of making this into a successful method. 
That is, assuming that the method you are talking about actually works (which I have no clue about).
Just from the way you are talking about it, sounds like you are experimenting with different target groups, approaches to the method, approaches to the teaching, etc.
That is great. However, consider that having a successful technique/method that worked for you, is maybe 10% of the work of making it into a successful method that you can use as a business to help others.

So the question then becomes, are you willing to keep walking this path without the certainty that it will pan out into something successful?

Welcome to entrepreneurship ?

i am using cbt theory for this method, i actually talked with a cbt therapist and it seems right for him.

i am really confidence in what i have right now, the problem is really the setting than the practice itself.

i dont know if i have a choice because i am too creative to not doing something like that ,  i had today 3 bussness ideas...  my dream is to do something inspired by psycadelic but it is really impossible to have any way to make money from it , it is almost impossible 

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