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d i e g o

Advenced personal development advice

1 post in this topic

Hi Leo, this is Diego from Germany

I have been following your journey for 4 years now and want to thank you a lot. I managed to use your idea of applying Maslows hierarchy to my life intensely and here I am, coming from depressed pothead to living a decent live, 6 months into running my own business, which looks very promising and I found that there is kind of a gap in your content I would ask you to consider filling.


background (buyer persona):

Having found an "all-in" self motivation (hardcore b2b stuff, not the typical self help ideas you often see here), I would say the early stages of self development are over now and I barely consume these topics anymore. I went pretty far in nondual topics but decided them to be too early in my life.

Right now it is time for burning through karma in business. self realization, healthy ego, success and the whole fun of samsara - so I do not have much place for hardcore spirituality and even reduced my intense tripping to a anti depressant microdose level from time to time without fully realizing it till recently.

What I struggle with and what really matches your business claim is advanced personal development.



I would love to see a video series on how to professionalize yourself in terms of work habbits, image building, stuff like that, after having decided for a long term path. 

I would love to see a part two like your common place book video on business planning for one man companies or ...

On building a conscious business environment. By which I do not mean a "friendly" bees and apple pies environment - just an aware-of-what-is-going on-one.

On how to determine who to trust in life.

On the value of getting fucked by people as way of learning.

Stuff like that.


This is what I would consider advanced personal development for people who have chosen their way.


Also I need to mention, that this is exactly the part I would miss in your life purpose course. Follow through principles are nice. But the intense personal transformation that needs to happen is also worth mentioning.



Edited by d i e g o

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