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Writing, weight loss and Wyrdwalking

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As far as awareness goes, I'd say my cup has overflowed in many areas where others have neglected introspection, albeit not without its backlashes. Currently, my main goals are to get solid momentum in on my book series (Smooth out concepts, sort through naming tribes and work through objectives) and losing weight which has been an issue since I was about 9 years old. I'll spare the soliloquy, but as early as second grade, I was getting called "Fat boy". At my highest weight, I was 450 pounds, I dropped back to 300, then might have gained about 40 back during the pandemic. I've come to realize that the binge eating is jamming the gears I've built for emotional processing, which I'm sure would also catalyze if I doubled down even more on my writing. There's also a number of peripheral distractions in my immediate awareness, ranging from the current happenings at Blizzard Entertainment, to my recent obsession with Viking music, as well as sorting through past guilt and shame from childhood and past relationships. I don't wanna overpost here, and I can get into my wyrdwalking excursions later, but I'm grateful to have somewhere to open up. Little steps :)

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