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owning cats and dogs instead of having children is 'selfish'

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He also sees the trend in society that family values are disappearing, and it is being replaced by 'me'-values. It's all about 'me'. I can have sex with whom I want when I want it, I can be a woman if I'm born a man, I can be a man if I'm born a woman, if I get pregnant I can abort it, my life is about my succes, wealth and fame, my image is the most important thing etc.

The trend we now see, especially online, is that families are not respected any more. Being a mother used to be something a woman was proud of, nowadays if a woman is a mother she is basically written off by people on the internet. Having a family seems to devalue people, in stead of giving value. I mean in terms of social 'image'.

You are only cool if you party every week, travel the world, go on vacations, share your life on insta, having a youtube channel, picking up women/guys etc. At least, that is the 'ideal' that is being set for young people.


RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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9 hours ago, vizual said:


You are only cool if you party every week, travel the world, go on vacations, share your life on insta, having a youtube channel, picking up women/guys etc. At least, that is the 'ideal' that is being set for young people.


I agree that the Pope is having a reaction against orange values. I haven't seen the full transcript of his statement but the fact is much more nuanced than that. 
The Pope also said that it's a great disservice for the nation not to have children, loosely paraphrasing. The Pope could nuance his statement by adding that, children used to add value to families in agrarian times by working the fields. But of course, his agenda is like most other religious leaders, to grow his cause. 

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