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Love energy, is It real? And How to raise It?

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Everybody knows about hate energy, or similar other lower vibrations of Consciousness.

As someone with hate energy in his karmic/energetic body, I have started seriously to how to eliminate this. I thought, since the opposite of hate is Love, I should try to create/vibrate in Love energy.

But its this love? I thought Love was Truth, not just another energy / vibration.

Could It be that on one hand there is the Love with capital letter, and then apart from that there is also his correspondent energetic field, which is love with lowecase l?


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In meditation, focus on observing emotions, and their source, feel into it. 

Notice (in meditation), that how you feel is inseparable from the present moment, and how you feel IS the present moment.

The Love is silent and always here, and in this Love it has 0 resistance to being resistant ?, so it's all about relaxing back into this Love, not about getting somewhere.

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So many distinctions and concepts ?

What you're looking for is opening up emotionally. Allowing feeling rather than suppressing it.

Make a dreamboard, start wearing a crystal, pray, meditate, connect to a guru/master. Listen to music, dance, watch drama or comedy, have a good laugh with friends. Stuff like that works for me.

Isn't that the best? Simply having a good time?

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Yes love is an energy that can enter your body, it feels great when that happens, one has to allow this energy, it is done by having an unconditional acceptance for what is and a feeling of delight in it and its right to exist. That's why parents are able to genuinely feel love for their children, they are not able to allow this love for others because they feel separate from them and are afraid that they could hurt them, but they feel safe enough with their children, and they think their children is an extension of themselves, so they allow themselves to feel love for their children :) As humanity evolves, they will be able to love others unconditionally, and not just their family.

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34 minutes ago, roopepa said:

So many distinctions and concepts ?

What you're looking for is opening up emotionally. Allowing feeling rather than suppressing it.

Make a dreamboard, start wearing a crystal, pray, meditate, connect to a guru/master. Listen to music, dance, watch drama or comedy, have a good laugh with friends. Stuff like that works for me.

Isn't that the best? Simply having a good time?

Easy to you when you Dont fall to the ground crying in tears every other day because of how much hate you have inside. 

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first step, be awe struck at the perfection of what existence presents right now ... second step, now dig into that moment to moment

love is just what god ever doing

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Yeah it’s real… 

the inner smile is a great way to cultivate it… also the Six phase meditation. As well as Taoist masterbation and sexual energy cultivation…


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Yes, Love energy is where your soul sits, and can give you siddhis and other psychic abilities as well as progress you onto the next path, orient your life in the right direction, help you make the right choices, love yourself, ect - it is the absolute key that you need for a lot of different things.  Just learned this recently, the power of Self Love is monumental, do not skip it for sure! <3  gl

All sort so ways to raise it, change your room around, buy yourself something nice, meditate outwards and offer love to the world, do something for other people is a big one, remind yourself that self hate is illusion, it really really is!  In a big way, something that clouds the truth.

Like, I am a psychic and didn't even consider myself one and couldn't until I learned to Love mySelf a little more and then accepted it, and realized that those powers come through Love!  So no wonder it was so hard for me to access.  I had to see myself as a highly creative individual with a lot to offer in that regard and then it just hit me, "no worries!"

Look for epiphanies like that which can help you Love yourSelf more.


Edited by Loba

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