Criminal Psychology part 1

By Preety_India in Self-Actualization Journals,
My life long dream was to be a criminal psychologist and join the field of forensics.  That's not possible for now at least since I feel ill prepared for it.  I have applied for psychology classes and they will schedule for the spring semester this year.  But that's general psychology. I wanted to major in criminal psychology however currently there is no offer for it. The course administrators told me that they can hold courses if there are enough students wanting to enroll for criminal psychology.  So that's that. Anyway I have decided to do my own private research in this area.  One of the administrators told me that it is possible to enroll for classes in fall semester if they get a minimum number of students by then. So I can  still try my luck later this year.  Till then I'm left to researching things on my own. However having a professional degree helps a lot in case I want it as a full on career or if such a career opportunity even exists in my place.  So anyway, I'll use this journal to record my important insights and ideas that I gather throughout my research and study.  I'll use well known criminal cases and internet resources for my case studies that I can use as presentations if I strike luck and join a course.  Here I go.....       
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