
Best flour for baking ( gluten free) ? - Rlatively healthy bulking recipes?

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Looking for structural - low effort high results - ideas to consume more calories. 

179cm @ 65kg here. I've been working out on and off for a few years already. I have some muscle but my bodyfat is non existent so I'm quite skinny. 

I've put a lot of thought and effort into nutrition and the staple foods that I tolerate well are basically high quality ground beef, white rice and beans/lentils.

I do not tolerate wheat well and many other foods. 

What I thought about is baking a huge loaf or a few loafs of calory dense bread, or banana bread with gluten free flours . Also no oats. 

What i've come up with so far with the recipe: ripe-ass  bananas, chickpea flour, coconut flour, organic corn flour, coconut milk / oil, high quality eggs or egg yolks, organic sugar ( i have no problem with sugar after discovering water kefir) 

I'm just confused about the corn flour. I understand it's gmo but it should be just okay if organic? It's relatively cheap , i digest it well and its calorie dense


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