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What Is Love, Oh Baby Don't Hurt Me, Oh Baby Baby Oooowwwww

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The core problem of finding happiness, is the assumption that something is missing in you, that you need a love relationship, a certain job, approval from friends/family/society, or litterally anything to be happy.

Most people are not seeking in the right direction, happiness is not something you'll find outside of you, happiness is what you are,

You ARE joy, peace, and love.



It may seem silly, hippie stylish, whatever you want to call it, but this is the truth with a capital T.

It strucked me for good this afternoon, while I was walking in Strasbourg, practising mindfulness while still paying attention to life around me.


EVERYTHING was moving by itself, it was so fluid,  It was like I was looking through a mirror, like seeing a movie, but a movie that felt real, and for the first time ever, I realized that "I" am just an idea, thoughts, stories.

The thing that shocked me the most, was that I wasn't directing my body or my action at all, life was playing by itself, there was a body, there was definitely a mind, but none of it was in control, they were performer.

It may seems scary written like this, especially if you just started mindfulness work, but there is nothing to fear, trust me ...


Now, this is when it gets interesting, not only I wasn't having anxiety at all (like 0%), but everything I was doing, was always in consideration of helping someone or something to work properly, but I didn't have any intention about it, IT CAME NATURALLY.

It was like I was a ant, but it felt AMAZINGLY GOOD BEING A FUCKING ANT.

EVERYTHING was beautiful, it felt like watching the same movie, but seeing it in 4K instead of a DVDrip quality.

Seeing other people (genuinely) happy, whoever they were, their race, looks, age, physical appearance, make me happier too, it was like not only everything was connected, but everything and everyone were dancing together, loving each other, even if they weren't conscious of it.

It really feel like a dream, but at the same time, more real and intense that what you ever experienced, and in the background,


Peace, Joy, and Love.


This isn't the love you know, it is undescribable, so profound and deep, very very deep ...

It comes from a place where limits are non-existent, it is a void, it is infinite, it is nothing and all the thing there is, it is the most paradoxal thing you could experience,

And the thing you'll realize, is that it feels extremely natural and "logical" at the same time.


Love is not a state of mind, it is who you are, it always has been, and will ever be.

How could you not love everything you are, create, experience and do ?

Why would you do it in the first place if it wasn't coming from love ?


Love is all there is.


This is the most profound insight you will ever get, and honestly, it is so simple to get it.

It may seems arrogant, but it is, you just have to be,

You just have to live your life, by actually living it.


Raising your awareness is the only way to do it, whether it comes from pain, or hardcore observance of your mind activities (ideally both).

Meditation is obviously a necessity, because it helps calming your mind, but it is more of an assistance, it is not the core of the "work".


Ultimately there is nothing that has to be done, there is only mental constructs that has to fall.

That can only be done by being conscious of every of your thoughts, emotions, and acts,

And that means no judgements and compassion, for yourself, and everyone else (even for the people you "hate").


Don't blame yourself, treat yourself like you would treat a puppy,


Love yourself


It is the only way to find who you really are.

It is the only way to find the love you desperately seek.

It is the only way to experience what the Buddha called Nirvana, and Jesus called Heaven ...


God is self-acceptance

God is compassion

God is courage

God is love




Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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