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the rough nights "dreaming"

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so i've just heard on the radio that we've been in the so called "rough nights" from around december 25- january 6th, so until tomorrow

apparently in these times dreams hold more weight according to old lore

my dreams have been pretty vivid, but they're always kind of are

even dreamt a buddy died a few days ago but i don't put too much weight on that dream, even though the guy was very sick a few yrs ago Post Title One-feh59



The Holy Nights.

The rough nights are also called the holy nights and refer to the twelve nights in between the years that hold a very unique, magical and transformative energy. Time almost seems to be standing still in those nights and I always look forward to this time of year that seems to be moving along without a real feeling of space and time, because the old year has not yet come to a full close and the new year also has not yet really begun. It is a time of visions, dreams and if you feel called, of spiritual experience, when the connection between the spirit world and the human world seems to be especially pronounced. It has been widely believed that the doors to the otherworld and the beyond are wildly open then and subtle energies and powers can be much easier perceived. Our ancestors believed that ghosts and demons could enter your home and life easier during this time and they accordingly tried to ward off all negative during these nights by engaging in various rituals, customs and set rules. As an example of a couple of rituals, which have survived into our modern world, smoking the houses and stalls with herbs, the pouring of molten lead and the carol singers that are traditionally moving from house to house on the 6th of January, can be mentioned. The term rough nights derives from the German term Rauhnächte that is believed to derive from the Middle High German word rûch, meaning wild and hairy. A connection can be drawn here to the appearances of the ghosts and demons that people believed in. The term rough nights is also believed to be connected to the German word rauh which refers to the smoke of the rough night rituals. Traditionally the rough nights are celebrated from the 24./25. of December to the 4./5. of January. These nights invite you to go on a journey of consciousness and personal insight that allows you to reflect on the last year as well as to look ahead and set intentions for the upcoming year. Every rough night is connected to the energy of a month of the following year. You can intensively deal with what you would like to let go of and leave in the old year and what you would like to invite into the next one. You can now wonderfully and magically create a space for your ideas, intentions and especially for your intuition in order to feel into what you really desire. You can consciously and gratefully revisit experiences and events of the year gone by, through deeply connecting to your inner self, listening to your inner voice and strengthening both through rituals."

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