
If Life/TheDream would had No Suffering would The Buddha still want to wake up?

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4 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

You need to read between the lines.

Right now you take life as something that’s real, and that is an experience happening in your brain as a human.

Waking up entails changing your perception of what life actually is. Which is your imagination, including your physical body, it’s identity and biography that is couched in space, time and materialism. None of it is real :D

I agree ? ?,  I too had this realisation.

Even if its not real, its still expirenced isn't it?

But I'm still experiencing life though this limited homo sapien form, and knowing the avarge life span of humans, seems like its gonna be doing this for quite a while, with ageing, illness down the road. (Which I don't want to to be honest)

However, if life is Truly Infjnite Imagination, there should be a reality in which I can lucid dream reality like Neo in the Matrix, I mean I can imagine it in my mind, why can't it manifest?


Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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1 minute ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Like we still stuck man, is there a way out from this limited form of existence?

Well since you are responsible for the dream, a limited existence is what you actually want at this moment.

Can you see how tons of suffering is created by fighting against something you actually Created? Loving all of reality is the hardest thing to do as a human .. but can be done by transcending your human identity.

Awaken, awaken, awaken .. that’s all I can tell you.

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10 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

So I am doomed, to be this human, experiencing it grow older, sicker, etc.?



If no one told you that you have born, a human, exist and in the world, can you be born or exist, will here be such a thing as you? What you are doing is now just trusting the so called voice or words. 

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16 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Alspe, then, is the fastest way to permanently meet God is for the home sapien body to die? But why exactly this is the only way?

Where the hell are people getting this info from? I keep seeing this nonsense over and over again on this forum. Where is it coming from?

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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3 minutes ago, Khan 0 said:

If no one told you that you have born, a human, exist and in the world, can you be born or exist, will here be such a thing as you? What you are doing is now just trusting the so called voice or words. 

I understand that words are concepts, and concepts are ideas and can be illusionary.

However, when I stand in front of the mirror I see a human looking back at Me.

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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16 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:
2 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

I understand that words are concepts, and concepts are ideas and can be illusionary.

However, when I stand in front of the mirror I see a human looking back at Me.

Where are you in the body? When the body dies, it stays here, so where are you?

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Just now, Khan 0 said:


The best I can tell you from my expirience, that I am in the skull, that's how it feels like at the very least.

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3 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

I understand that words are concepts, and concepts are ideas and can be illusionary.

However, when I stand in front of the mirror I see a human looking back at Me.

If you should dream at night, about looking into a mirror and seeing a human looking back.. is there really anyone looking in a mirror? 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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4 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

If you should dream at night, about looking into a mirror and seeing a human looking back.. is there really anyone looking in a mirror? 

Then you assume that the difference between the dreams at night and the dream of life is that the dram of life is more consistent?

But they are made of the same "thing"?

Then, why if one become lucid in the dream of night's one can become someone akin Neo in the Matrix but it seems like people can't bent the rules of this dream we call life? What stops?

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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5 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

The best I can tell you from my expirience, that I am in the skull, that's how it feels like at the very least.

I know, thats called the matrix. Do you mediate or have you ever had any breakthroughs? I can see that you are contemplating. 

Edited by Khan 0

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4 minutes ago, Khan 0 said:

I know, thats called the matrix. Do you mediate or have you ever used psychedelics? I can see that you are contemplating. 

I do contemplate almost every night until I fall asleep which ends up with having dream after dream until I wake up to this reality.


I did have an expirence where I became consuous of the fact that I'm existence itself and that whatever I belive is reality basically.

However, now I do think whether that "realizaiton" was false. I mean, even if I believe that I can fly, I can't fly. So I ask myself what force stop me from controlling the dream.

Why cant I become a more active agent of reality and cease to be a passive prisoner of reality?

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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I mean I can actually imagine that I could fly, if I can imagine it can be so right, because reality is imagination, its simple.

So the logical explanation is that there is something preventing me.

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4 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Then you assume that the difference between the dreams at night and the dream of life is that the dram of life is more consistent?

But they are made of the same "thing"?

Then, why if one become lucid in the dream of night's one can become someone akin Neo in the Matrix but it seems like people can't bent the rules of this dream we call life? What stops?

You can bend the rules of this dream, if you want to, but you don't want to, because you are very attached to this dream. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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You are asking a speculative question.  The Buddha only dealt with "what is".  Life is suffering.  

Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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8 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Why cant I become a more active agent of reality and cease to be a passive prisoner of reality?

Because you are attached with thought process, you name and label a lot. Such as saying I wake up, i am going school vsvs. Only way to get out to matrix is realization of now is the source. You were going back and forward just within the process of thoughts. Meanwhile, you are always where you are what you are, never moved nor began. Just the identification with the thought process creates the so called “world”, “thought “ and “you”. You mudt empty your cup, which mean id you must not know or forget everything you did learn. It is the only way to get out of matrix rest is fully concepts or ideas including/such as higher self or god. 

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4 minutes ago, Khan 0 said:

Because you are attached with thought process, you name and label a lot. Such as saying I wake up, i am going school vsvs. Only way to get out to matrix is realization of now is the source. You were going back and forward just within the process of thoughts. Meanwhile, you are always where you are what you are, never moved nor began. Just the identification with the thought process creates the so called “world”, “thought “ and “you”. You mudt empty your cup, which mean id you must not know or forget everything you did learn. It is the only way to get out of matrix rest is fully concepts or ideas including/such as higher self or god. 

And what's outside of matrix?

Does the content of reality change?

Did you ever have a glimpse? Though psychedelics or meditation ?


Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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2 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

And what's outside of matrix?

Nothing. And that what you are is. Just contemplate tonight about why is the prior of birth and sleep is identical? Is there any time there, you or matrix? 

3 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Does the content of reality change?

There is no such a thing as reality. Just a so called thoughts creates the so called world, as the code of matrix. Thats all. 

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Just now, Khan 0 said:

Nothing. And that what you are is. Just contemplate tonight about why is the prior of birth and sleep is identical? Is there any time there, you or matrix? 

There is no such a thing as reality. Just a so called thoughts creates the so called world, as the code of matrix. Thats all. 

But other than thoughts, you still have things such as vision content, audio content, bodily sensation content no?

Thoughts aren't only things arising no?

And why did nothing became into a matrix anyway?

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No offense with what I'm about to say, and there's nothing wrong with entertaining contemplations like this, but this question sounds like a distraction. 

We don't know who the Buddha is, and we are only assuming that he/she/it even taught how to wake up from a dream (dream is also a concept or assumption). 

This is like the question about if a tree falls did anyone hear it, just a pointless loopy question, and the stuck-ness you feel when trying to find the answer to such a question is the same thing that happens with this question (similar to koans). 

The stuck-ness, notice that. Do you notice that sometimes you try to figure things out and there's a stuck feeling? That's a message. 

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@CuriousityIsKey it's all happening (or seems to be happening.. no difference).  There is 1 thing occurring, and that 1 thing is 'everything'.   

Duality is seeing a difference between heads and tails.. Non-Duality is realizing heads is relative to tails, and both are 'the one coin'. 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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