
Everything is Okay

34 posts in this topic

Wherever you're at rn, just relax. 

Let it all just flow, let the senses mix and intensify, let the senses disappear. 

Give in to the not knowing, give in to the confusion, there's no need to know what is going on, no need to know what's what. 

Let thoughts flow, they don't care about anything, they just wanna flow, no need to figure anything out, no need to create blockages of seriousness, let it flow. If you're trying to figure something out just move on, let it all just flow. 

Everything is okay, the inner craziness is the peace. 

No need for expectations, any expectation is not what you are right now.

Like the planets revolving around the sun, like the energy in the atoms, all things are flowing, let it flow. 

Note: There's no you, so you're doing a great job always! ?

Edited by Fearless_Bum

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I learned how to relax into my existential curiosity, and seeking. I learned how the intense movement of rigorous meditation, contemplation, and “progress” on the path was non other than relaxation. I literally get to have my cake and eat it too. Incredible. 

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1 hour ago, Fearless_Bum said:

@Khan 0 thanks! 

Anytime. Just an advice dont say such a thing as “i” am a guru. 

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reminds me of the lovely "this is fine" dog

but you're right everything is mostly fine in this moment, or even perfect

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@PurpleTree it's a mindbender really. 

All this inner craziness, but it's really the thought that there is inner craziness that must be ordered or silenced that brings suffering. 

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16 hours ago, BenG said:


Unfortunately, seeking truth and relaxation together still feels contradictory to me most of the time. :/

I would gently suggest this is a misperception of direct experience. When it's recognized there is no one seeking, the seeking can then happen on autopilot, purely spontaneously and without the need for any specific answers, conclusions, or progress as a result of such seeking. Counter intuitively, this lack of attachment out of the clear seeing of a lack of self is the most powerful space for seeking to occur and "spiritual progress" to emerge. At this point, all progress is meaningless, just reality dancing with itself, like a flower spontaneously blooming into its highest beauty for no reason at all, yet there is a blooming and there is an emergence of the flower's "actualization."

The art of seeking without seeking should be every serious sage's goal, it just demands the dropping of all goals to truly grock lol. 

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"If The World Is Going Crazy, I'll Be Calm: And If They Are Calm, I'll Be The One Hanging Off The Chandelier." Jim Carrey

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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21 hours ago, BenG said:

@Consilience Thanks for being helpful.

Right, I am aware that I misperceive/misinterpret direct experience. That's the reason I seek truth.

And no need to be gentle, bro.

Are you essentially telling me that I need to try detaching and letting go more? I will admit that I struggle with this. I suppose more self-compassion would be the answer, but therein lies the root of my struggle. lol

This is the reason I'm highly skeptical of anybody who claims to have "let go" fully. I honestly don't believe it's possible. My instinct is to judge people who claim to have done this as playing games with themselves. Not saying I'm right. It's just my judgement. I'm probably the one playing games.

Im not suggesting that necessarily, no. Im simply saying that if one is seeking from the orientation that they are a separate self, it is not actually the nature of seeking. Seeking energy happens utterly spontaneously, without a self, and as a function of the whole. Im also suggesting that it is only after the nature of seeking is realized that the real work of “seeking” begins. At that point it is like surrendering or “letting go” as it’s seen there is no one to hold onto or act. As @Fearless_Bum mentioned in the OP, we simply relax into the flow of how things are. And if seeking energy persists as the relaxation is recognized, that’s what Im referring to as having your cake and eating it too. 

As for next steps… what worked in my experience was just an obsessive amount of contemplation, meditation, and psychedelic usage. On a meditation retreat I basically hit what in Buddhism is called stream entry and life has been radically recontextualized since then. Some teachers swear effortful, deliberate meditation and seeking is not only useless, but reinforces a sense of self. This claim, however, was not my experience. My experience was the opposite. The pressure of seeking eventually popped and I saw the nature of self and world. Id say follow your heart and the desire for truth and the compassion to alleviate your personal suffering not just for your sake, but for the sake of all beings. Between these, your intuition on what to do pretty much can’t fail you. Id also suggest though when in doubt, practice more, find a way to he happy with nothing but your own being, ie meditation. 

Hopefully this response helps in some way.

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@BenG to add to what @Consilience said: here's a shocker, you know how people say it's about the journey not the destination? Well you're fucked because there is no destination ?. 

The journey is bliss. All the cells in your body working 24/7 to something greater, the mind dreaming of greater and greater things to accomplish. 

The seemingly inexhaustible "hunger" is not greed, it is the energy of existence itself. 



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