Leo Gura

What's Your Attachment Style?

133 posts in this topic

I know I am secure. I don't think this test takes into account the healing process.

Also what is the black dot? Me? haha there's no way that's accurate.


Disorganized /

Screenshot 2022-01-05 203110.png

Score Mother/CG1: Anxiety: 1.00 | Avoidance: 1.00

Score Father/CG2: Anxiety: 3.00 | Avoidance: 6.17

Score Partner: Anxiety: 5.33 | Avoidance: 2.00

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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16 hours ago, erik8lrl said:




11 hours ago, kray said:

Secure :) 


11 minutes ago, King Merk said:

I got secure.

Yay for all the inner work I’ve done over the years to help me become a healthy human being haha. 

you guys are my role model

edit: was eminem awake back then? at 1.55  "how the f can i be white? i don't even exist"

Edited by PurpleTree

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Score Mother/CG1: Anxiety: 5.33 | Avoidance: 4.33

Score Father/CG2: Anxiety: 4.33 | Avoidance: 3.00

Score Partner: Anxiety: 4.67 | Avoidance: 4.67

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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6 hours ago, ZenSwift said:

. I don't think this test takes into account the healing process


The confusing thing about the test is that it asks you to remember how it was for you as a child, and to answer from that place.  Even though you may have already worked through all of that and forgiven your parents.

here is a better test to see where you are at now.. 

   Attachment type test

Edited by Thunder Kiss

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My dad, I couldn't ask for more

My mom, she did her best

Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 8.30.12 PM.png

I am God. I am Love. I am Infinity. I am Frosty97.

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Dismissive / Avoidant


Score Mother/CG1: Anxiety: 1.33 | Avoidance:


Score Father/CG2: A nxiety: 2.33 | Avoidance:


Score Partner: A nxiety: 4.33 | Avoidance: 4

Score General: A nxiety: 4 | Avoidance: 4.33


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Disorganized gang. Woop Woop!

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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@Nos7algiK were you always like that?

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Wasn't expecting it to be secure

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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@Judy2 same here
Anxious / Preoccupied

Nice tool. 
I was already aware about this situation, but it's nice to have in in a operationalised format, with a graph and measurements


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Disorganized / Fearful-Avoidant. Made me realized Why I act the way I do. 

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I couldn't tell for certain if I answered honestly and self-introspected enough and brought out all the memories that were perhaps murky or repressed on all the questions regarding my perceived childhood relationships with my mother who passed away and my father, though I can easily say that on the material/care front they both provided and focused on me a lot as a single male child and my father especially emotionally of being at least always there for me as a security and care guarantee when I was growing up even after my mother passed away when I was 7.

For the relationship front, I've never been actually in any concrete romantic relationships ever in my life just flirted and had sympathies, platonic romantic feelings, and sexual attractions on/off to more or fewer degrees depending on the context and the passing of time towards a few girls I knew in my life but never actually engaged and formed an actual romantic relationship with the opposite sex, so on those questions I had to answer regarding on how I would hypothetically feel towards, expect and want from my hypothetical future partner so the questions I choose to think about and honestly try to answer as much as possible of how I feel towards certain propositions that were posed as questions happening within a relationship are not perhaps a 100% accurate representation of my actual personality in a relationship since it lacks the actual past or lived experience component of it.

First Run: I got Anxious/Preoccupied but didn't get a graph representing the exact value and quantity of this relationship personality type on an X/Y axis after I did the test.

I might redo a second run trying to answer more concentrated, honestly, and attune with my actual feelings when I unearth and express some more of my stuff from my memories and feelings towards the degrees of attachment and expectations and demands from relationships from myself and other people in the near future after I fill up my journal with entries about my thoughts and feelings regarding some subjects and topic relevant to my current life.

One more Question: Does preoccupied in this test mean preoccupied with myself or in the potential would-be relationship?


Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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Dismissive/Avoidant - makes sense


Screenshot 2022-01-10 at 23.37.37.png

"I thought if you are a Buddhist you gonna be nice"


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I got secure. Probably used to be more anxious in regards to romantic relationships until the past year or so. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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