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Striving for more

How big population size for Pick up?

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2 hours ago, Striving for more said:

Switzerland is boring &. Same with Belgium UK Germany ect.. very stale & lame.

Out of curiosity, which country would you recommend, then?

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1 hour ago, Emrie said:

Out of curiosity, which country would you recommend, then?

... I barely travelled enough to give valuable answer ("don't judge that which u lack experience")

... but I'd say Definitely >>  USA, Mexico, Thailand, Spain, Budapest, Columbia

Probably  > France, Italy, Brazil, Poland, Amsterdam, 

I'm 50/50 about France though. I have no game experience there, so culturally & infrastructure wise I dunno ...

but ... they women consistently beautiful & feminine & I'm actually shocked by how often I notice this, I tend to see a pretty French girl more often than otherwise. 


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6 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

@Leo Gura what would you say is a minimum decent population size for pickup/singles looking to mingle?

Vegas population size is around 600k .. so not sure if it’s population size, but maybe more so culture / vibe.

Vegas metroplex is ~2 million. What matters is the population of the metroplex, not the city.

But also, Vegas is very unlike other cities because of it's hardcore, 24/7 nightlife culture and 42.5 million visitors per year.

It's not just the raw population that matters. It's the culture, the age-range, male/female ratio, etc.

For example, Dallas-Fort Worth is a HUGE metroplex, but the nightlife is sucky. Austin has much smaller metroplex population but amazing nightlife. Don't be fooled by raw numbers.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Vegas metroplex is ~2 million. What matters is the population of the metroplex, not the city.

But also, Vegas is very unlike other cities because of it's hardcore, 24/7 nightlife culture and 42.5 million visitors per year.

It's not just the raw population that matters. It's the culture, the age-range, male/female ratio, etc.

For example, Dallas-Fort Worth is a HUGE metroplex, but the nightlife is sucky. Austin has much smaller metroplex population but amazing nightlife. Don't be fooled by raw numbers.

I don't live near any city or metroplex with huge populations and fantastic nightlife areas. However, I actually do live just one block away from UCI, which I know has a lot of young students on their campus. Could that work for me?

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6 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

I don't live near any city or metroplex with huge populations and fantastic nightlife areas. However, I actually do live just one block away from UCI, which I know has a lot of young students on their campus. Could that work for me?

If you play a bit more of a social circle game it should work.

Meet people, make friends, do social activities (language, dancing class) and just network to know more and more people.

Ideally you even become the leader of some kind of thing, like organising small events (if not impossible for now due to COVID) where people meet up.

Then go out with the people you got to know and meet even more people.

Get to know bartenders, bouncers, people who frequently go to the same clubs/bars as you do etc. 

When you then approach you can do approaches that are a little bit more "generally social" ("hey, you guys look like fun together").

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What about New Orleans? 1.2 million metro population and 18.5 visitors in 2018.

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40 minutes ago, John Paul said:

What about New Orleans? 1.2 million metro population and 18.5 visitors in 2018.

That's alright, but I wouldn't move there.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's alright, but I wouldn't move there.

I hear that it can be a lot of fun there, especially during Mardi Gras.

Btw, how comparable is gaming in a college campus like UCI to gaming in a big city or metroplex with a spectacular nightlife?

Edited by Hardkill

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@Leo Gura


What about with combined incentive of having chosen jazz piano as an LP? and the fact that I don't have a killer job and the other top jazz cities (chicago and NYC) although i'm sure killer killer pick up cities but...expensive as shit...

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

I hear that it can be a lot of fun there, especially during Mardi Gras.

Still not worth it in my opinion.


Btw, how comparable is gaming in a college campus like UCI to gaming in a big city or metroplex with a spectacular nightlife?

I never gamed college campuses. Girls there will be super young.

1 hour ago, John Paul said:

@Leo Gura

What about with combined incentive of having chosen jazz piano as an LP? and the fact that I don't have a killer job and the other top jazz cities (chicago and NYC) although i'm sure killer killer pick up cities but...expensive as shit...

No idea.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Still not worth it in my opinion.

Well, I can't deny that it does have a ton of rednecks down there.


7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I never gamed college campuses. Girls there will be super young.

Alright, well then I guess I am going to try gaming at UCI myself and see how it goes. I live only about one block away from there and the campus actually does have a student population of about 33,467 which should actually be enough. I would think that there are also some graduate school women there who are in their mid-20s to mid-30s.

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@Hardkill Of course it's doable, if you have some tact. If you do it sloppily you will quickly develop a reputation of being the local creeper.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Hardkill Of course it's doable, if you have some tact. If you do it sloppily you will quickly develop a bad reputation.

Yeah, that's what I am concerned about. So maybe, I won't try anything crazy or really edgy with any of the girls I approach there. I could perhaps try approaching the girls on campus in a more regular chill polite way with that romantic vibe you've talked about before. I know I've a lot of mistakes before, but I have gotten dates and even a long-term girlfriend from daygame approaching.

Edited by Hardkill

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@Hardkill @Leo Gura

I wonder if it'd be a good idea to instead shmooze with the high status young males in the college and then get into some sort of party clique and fuck girls that way

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21 minutes ago, John Paul said:

@Hardkill @Leo Gura

I wonder if it'd be a good idea to instead shmooze with the high status young males in the college and then get into some sort of party clique and fuck girls that way

Probably would be better, but unfortunately I am not a student there.

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@Federico del pueblo Disagree

16 hours ago, Federico del pueblo said:

If 800k is not big enough for you to learn game, then something would have to be seriously wrong with you.



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42 minutes ago, Ulax said:


800k population would be about, what, 30k girls in your age range maybe? Lol

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21 minutes ago, Medhansh said:

And out of those 30k, how many will actually be good looking? 

Looking back I would actually increase my estimate to 50-60k girls in your age range, especially if your city has a university

But even assuming 30k girls in your age range in an 800k city, the average dude would probably be willing to sleep with 20k of those I bet lol.

And you can't even really formalise in your head how big of a number 20k is. 20k is 2.5 girls a day for every single day I've been alive. Even if you have high standards that would still work out as 1 girl for every day you've been alive if you're in your early twenties.

32 minutes ago, Medhansh said:

This means that only enormous cities are good for cold approach, otherwise you will become "that guy".

If you're gonna do outrageous or awful day gaming then yea, you need a bigger city so you don't become known as a creep.

Certainly if you stick to nightgame, 800k is plenty and if you can't get results with that by going out to clubs or bars then you should not be blaming the population of your city

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1 hour ago, Medhansh said:

And out of those 30k, how many will actually be good looking? 

This means that only enormous cities are good for cold approach, otherwise you will become "that guy".

My current city too has a population of 800k. Well, this turned depressing.

Bro. If 10% percent of these girls are good enough for you to approach them, then it'll take you 3 years to approach all of them, but it's probably more like 5k-8k you'd consider approaching.

Once you've done your 3000 approaches come back here and post your results and then you can move to a bigger city ok?

Anyway after you've approached all the girls of your city you can start again and the girls will have forgotten your first approach.

The problem is not that there aren't enough girls, the problem is you don't want to approach.

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