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Budda said to wake up from reality, but would he change his mind if he smoked dmt?

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Budda said to wake up from reality and its cycle of reincarantion because ultimately it is suffering. But would he change his mind if he smoked dmt?

Serious question.

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interesting question...would love to see how others respond!

and my speculation is this.... (this could be wrong and anyone can disagree)

Buddha claims there is no beginning and no ending . this has been confirmed by many of us independently and as far as it goes, we are puppets!

just puppets or in leo's terms we are god giving himself/itself  a colonoscopy. so, after awakening, we are sure to merge with oneness and shed the illusory self, but, we shall come down back again.

Hindus say that universe is the endless dance of brahma. thus, in  this process of creation and destruction, division and union, our union can be transmuted into division and vice versa.

my mini-blog! 

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Ye, the Difference is though, Hinduism celebrates life , but Buddha wanted to wake up from the cycle of reincarnation once and for all. 


Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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No. Absolutely not. DMT highs are infinitely more suffering than nirodha samapatti/cessation/fruition which I have personally experienced at least six times. The Buddha was regularly having divine visions and states of consciousness at least as strong as 5-MeO DMT completely sober. It’s right there in the suttas. His insight was also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond Leo, and I hope and think Leo would agree with this sentence whether or not he disagrees with the others. 

Do drugs for insight. I’m totally in support of that general practice. It’s the foundation of where I’m at today with meditation and insight, but please do not neglect meditation. It is the key to taking your trips AND baseline consciousness to the next level. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

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But if to take into consideration what Buddha allegedly teached, whatever mental pehonemon and visions etc. all of these things are part of the dream, no matter how awesome they might seem, they just make one fall deeper into the clutches of the illusion.


I think that's why Buddha emphasised on non attachment , because whatever is happening "on-the-screen" what we consider "life" is happenings that entrance us and ask for one's attention.

But how does one become like Buddha and just "leave the movie screen" one and for all? 

Like exit the cinema we call reality?


Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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29 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

But if to take into consideration what Buddha allegedly teached, whatever mental pehonemon and visions etc. all of these things are part of the dream, no matter how awesome they might seem, they just make one fall deeper into the clutches of the illusion.


I think that's why Buddha emphasised on non attachment , because whatever is happening "on-the-screen" what we consider "life" is happenings that entrance us and ask for one's attention.

But how does one become like Buddha and just "leave the movie screen" one and for all? 

Like exit the cinema we call reality?


You do a ton of spiritual practice for years and make yourself accident prone to cessation/fruition/nirodha samapatti.

Fruition is quite easy compared to attaining nirodha samapatti. It just kind of happens out of nowhere after doing enough practice and developing yourself or you could better say undeveloping your”self”. It took an already awakened medical doctor like 50 attempts of one hour or so a piece to reach nirodha samapatti which the Buddha said is the highest temporary spiritual attainment in life. Other than that, only parinibbana is better in Buddhism. Fruition and nirodha samapatti both produce the same insight potentially if viewed correctly which is deep insight into the existence vs. nonexistence duality that someone without that direct non-experience cannot possibly have in its maturity. Doesn’t matter how many planets you can create at will on 5-MeO DMT — that’s still just maya and the dream, albeit a fun side quest to unlock. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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3 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

No. Absolutely not. DMT highs are infinitely more suffering than nirodha samapatti/cessation/fruition which I have personally experienced at least six times. The Buddha was regularly having divine visions and states of consciousness at least as strong as 5-MeO DMT completely sober. It’s right there in the suttas. His insight was also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond Leo, and I hope and think Leo would agree with this sentence whether or not he disagrees with the others. 

Do drugs for insight. I’m totally in support of that general practice. It’s the foundation of where I’m at today with meditation and insight, but please do not neglect meditation. It is the key to taking your trips AND baseline consciousness to the next level. 

Leo has said many times he is way more enlightened than the Buddha and Jesus, so I don't think he would agree with you.

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

Leo has said many times he is way more enlightened than the Buddha and Jesus, so I don't think he would agree with you.

To be fair, I don't think he's said that. He's said something like, "I have been more conscious than...", meaning in his trips. He talks about a memory he has, not his direct experience. 

DMT is a joke compared to buddhist insight.

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4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

You do a ton of spiritual practice for years and make yourself accident prone to cessation

Lol what a perfect description??

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5 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Budda said to wake up from reality and its cycle of reincarantion because ultimately it is suffering. But would he change his mind if he smoked dmt?

Serious question.

When you realize anything you have or you can experience (feeling, thinking, observing, insights, vsvs) are just a process of thoughts and not the truth, he wont. Because there is or he no mind, because mind is a thought. ?

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

Leo has said many times he is way more enlightened than the Buddha and Jesus, so I don't think he would agree with you.

soooo, why is he still not addressing the stuff in Buddhism  like karma and reincarnation the way Buddha and Hindu sages did.

he seems to be offering slight hints at this but still keeps away from going to details..?any reasons why ?

my mini-blog! 

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3 hours ago, happyhappy said:

he seems to be offering slight hints at this but still keeps away from going to details..?any reasons why ?

Maybe he doesn't have all the answers to it yet and is collecting insights to share a few years down the road?

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My bet would be, No, his samadhi trips apparently are quite deep themselves, he's broken down his entire body to the atomic level, sober. 

Thats some DMT level trip, or deeper. Unsure.

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But with the context of life being suffering, maybe his moksha or awakening means only to cultivate enough awareness to be blissful in the present moment, that's the ultimate goal with any spiritual teaching.

Edited by Phoenix11

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43 minutes ago, Loba said:

Maybe he doesn't have all the answers to it yet and is collecting insights to share a few years down the road?

ig we will have to hang around and see how it is possible  that ,Leo might become the most enlightened master that humanity has ever known..  maybe xD

all of this could be for nothing. but who knows, only God with the capital G.!?

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Buddha didnt promote waking up from reality.. he talked about waking up TO reality . And he didnt give too much emphasis on altered states or highs for they are passing in nature and clinging on them is dukkha. This forum is pretty obivious example of how people can cling on sayd highs and lose the sight and bypass whats important and stop giving importance to those things.

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11 minutes ago, Whatever said:

Buddha didnt promote waking up from reality.. he talked about waking up TO reality . And he didnt give too much emphasis on altered states or highs for they are passing in nature and clinging on them is dukkha. This forum is pretty obivious example of how people can cling on sayd highs and lose the sight and bypass whats important and stop giving importance to those things.

I like this response.


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9 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Ye, the Difference is though, Hinduism celebrates life , but Buddha wanted to wake up from the cycle of reincarnation once and for all. 


Hinduism takes a gradual path. that's why IMHO Hinduism has this stance to enjoy life . whereas in Buddhism, Buddha is radically direct in this work . even denies most of social structures of the time .like the caste system in Hinduism still prevalent to this day. gives up traditional hocus pocus though  most  of  modern Buddhists are engaged in equal BS that Buddha rejected as useless.  Buddhism has been made a religion to serve the ego after all xD



still, I am having doubts whether we can really awaken once and for all. True, enlightenment is possibly  the highest achievement (the supreme bliss)

I mean,mannn  i see the suffering we are caught up in yet, if this is an eternal dance, won't we be going full circle to duality? if reality is in endless wheel, merging(enlightenment) and division is also a part of god's play of love right?

I find this as a sticking point in this work  personally.


why not enjoy, celebrate and cherish life  then?  

would love to know ur as well as others' opinions about this...

my mini-blog! 

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7 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

Leo has said many times he is way more enlightened than the Buddha and Jesus, so I don't think he would agree with you.

Haha. Then I guess I was wrong. I think he’s currently being an unwise idiot with tons of education, IQ, and direct experience if that is the truth. Listening to the Buddha talk about neither existence nor nonexistence in the Diamond Sutta is something that takes a big daddy dump all over Leo’s highest thinking/teachings that I’ve seen after watching hundreds of hours of his content and being heavily biased toward Leo for years. But the way I see Leo is someone who grasps that teaching to a decent degree. Maybe I’m giving him too much credit though. 


Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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5 hours ago, Tim R said:

Lol what a perfect description??

“Artists are just good at hiding (or not even remembering) their sources of inspiration.” Just a small synthesis of good ideas that weren’t mine. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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