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Anyone elses YouTube algorithm gone to shid ?

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From past couple of months i have noticed they have changed the youtube reccomendation algorithm such that it shows the videos you have already watched , videos of people you have subscribed to and also that the homepage hardly changes its videos when refreshed , it has created this bubble which is so annoying .

Earlier it was a mix of people i subscribed to , no videos that i have already watched (why would i want to watch it again just go away ) , new content , lil bit unrelated content etc

Even when you search something , it will show the videos of people whom you are subscribed to first creating a bubble which is bad . 

No matter how hard you try to train the algorithm by clicking the 3 dots and selecting "Not Interested"  , it does the same thing , this has led to me hardly finding new content to subscribe to , and it is rare that i find a channel to subscribe . 

To combat this they have introduced a new feature at the at the tags bar , "New to you" to solve the bubble problem but it isn't that effective .image_2022-01-03_033743.png

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Yes, it's very annoying.  One of the reasons I journal is to get good and accurate recommendations and it used to be more reliable, but I've been in a YouTube bubble for a few weeks now, with some small signs of getting out of it.  Hope for new info soon, it could be that what I'm looking for is too niche as well.

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@Loba god it shows me the videos of the same 4 channels i recently watched again and again like a stubborn kid , do you not understand i dont want to watch so just go away ? lol

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Yeah, youtube sucks now... I haven't been finding new good content at all..

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I'm pretty content with the bubble I've created. I will actively seek out new channels when I want to use the search bar.

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Yea it's trash now. It doesn't recommend ANYTHING related to the kind of music I like. It just cycles the same songs I've already heard and doesn't expose any similar artists, or other songs from the same band.


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I stopped using youtube years ago. Its been focusing attention on the major channels for a long time, and now it intends to keep their audience. Only its doing it in too obvious a way.

As a very direct example which I suspect holds true for everyone. Search news and see how many results you get for independent or smaller news outlets.

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@Tech36363 if you disabled some Google tracking and data collection in your Google account settings then Youtube will stop recommending you new videos, so maybe you did that... I would recommend you to look at your "Time watched" section and if its longer that 2 hours per day you should outright quit the app or limit yourself from using it with extensions. You care about Youtube recommendations, which is mostly Youtube's way of eating all your time and attention. Many of us are stage orange and we like to feel like we're stage yellow, and because the concept of an Internet, infinite information & knowledge is very stage yellow, we justify our overconsumption thinking we're getting more conscious.

keeping up with world news is important, but most of us are too immature to use it responsibly which means its better for us not to use it at all or in a very controlled environment, which is something to work on. 

Leo's Satisfaction Meditation Video
Block YT Recommendations
Block YT / Limit Your Consumption To A Certain Amount Per Day

oh and btw if you like YT music you can switch to

Edited by MarkKol

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if you are looking for funny youtubers watch 


every video this guy uploads is so funny

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We are becoming more conscious, that's why you are aware of what you are now aware of in society and yourself. That's what the internet is an accelerator. We haven't just started to have the immaturity you speak of, I would call it state of being, its been there forever. Even just speaking developmentally, all points of view are useful for development, by limiting what people are exposed to into a narrow band or a handful of perspectives we limit their and our development.

What's missing is:
Space, understanding and reflection in processing the information given to us. Discipline, not anger posing as discipline, actual discipline.

Social connection so its not all processed individually, or in a single channel, a handful of speakers etc, and has communal mind to balance it. Group channels that hold different perspectives are more valued in that respect.

Trust. By constantly shoving one perspective into people, and saying this is how it is. People can quite easily begin to question that perspective. Its like trying to cover something that exists by cutting off other aspects, ultimately it leads to failure and resistance or struggle. Like this thread or me commenting on it. What we are doesn't go away, it just manifests somewhere else or worse builds to a large or traumatic release.

Edited by BlueOak

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