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Is it possible to never have been born/existed at all?

18 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Do you remember a beginning to yourself? 

To be honest, no. I can't remember exactly the moment I started to exist.

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5 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

And what does that imply?

That you existed forever.

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well, if that happened, how would you remember?

if you were never born, how would you remember that?

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1 hour ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Is it possible to never have been born/existed at all?

You have never born. Now is the source. Going , coming back, birth and death just is a thought. Is a thought by itself. So anything you asked is a thought. Ultimate answer is silence as before birth, which is Now , right Now, The Moment. 

Knowing is the greatest illusion. Buddha.

Edited by Khan 0

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as a form you were born from nothing, and you as a form will disappear without a trace

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2 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Is it possible to never have been born/existed at all?

Never having been born doesn’t equate to nonexistence. 



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1 hour ago, Khan 0 said:

You have never born. Now is the source. Going , coming back, birth and death just is a thought. Is a thought by itself. So anything you asked is a thought. Ultimate answer is silence as before birth, which is Now , right Now, The Moment. 

Knowing is the greatest illusion. Buddha.

How do I break free from thos cycle of ongoing reincarnation into different forms? Namaste

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23 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

How do I break free from thos cycle of ongoing reincarnation into different forms?

This is a thought too. As you are or i am. You must drop yourself which is accumulation of thought process. Long term sitting, darkness and silence is the key. I can not realize this, i must be dropped which is the so called ego.

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26 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

How do I break free from thos cycle of ongoing reincarnation into different forms? Namaste

why would you want to do that? 

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

as a form you were born from nothing, and you as a form will disappear without a trace

Does that impy previous and future forms?

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3 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Does that impy previous and future forms?

I would say that all the possibilities, infinite, are right now, and they are all nothing. why are we perceiving something concrete right now and not something else? the eternal question ...I don't know

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What’s true is never born and never dies — doesn’t necessarily not exist.

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3 hours ago, Tim Ho said:

You were created, ask your Mom, she is also God.

Maybe I created my Mom because I needed a backstory for my existence.

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13 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Maybe I created my Mom because I needed a backstory for my existence.

Definitely. You have to make yourself believe that you are a human and have mother. Otherwise, it would be to easy to get away from matrix or not even get away. It wouldn't even within the conversations. Meanwhile in absolute perspective nothing is happening, has happened and will happen. We are always what we are. 

Edited by Khan 0

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