
Asking to have sex with others

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@QQQ Wow detailed response. That makes sense now, yeah there is  that double standard at green I guess lol

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@Pavement @Knowledge Hoarder  I don't think it is a troll post. Nor do I think the OP necessarily hates their boyfriend, as @vizual suggested, but their mind might be functioning poorly because of how many lies they have to maintain. (watch last week's video) Minds can get lost in such forests of constructs and think about bizzare realities. (although this reality might not be bizzare for some couples who might be trying to learn from having their relationship open) 

For me, vMEME yellow heterosexual guy POV is to be a feminist and stand up for the oppressed, but have standards and not let people shit on your head. What do ya'll think about that?

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17 hours ago, tashadwoodfall said:

Instead of cheating I'm considering asking him if he wants to explore like me having sex with someone else in front of him.

For a lot of guys this would cause trauma, even if they consented to it. 

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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DIRTY LITTLE SLAG?is he abusive? You could say some actions deserve that… has he tried marijuana? Couple of hits and I last as long as I want on that. Not the ideal solution but it’s decent in the meantime 

Edited by B222

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18 hours ago, tashadwoodfall said:

So I love my bf, he checks all the boxes except one. His dick isn't very big and he doesn't last long.

Instead of cheating I'm considering asking him if he wants to explore like me having sex with someone else in front of him.

Bad idea? If I ask him I'm not sure how he would react so I don't ask but at the same time I'm finding myself thinking about getting my needs met with someone else behind his back but we all know that isn't a good idea.

Not sure if this is your personality but this seems really disrespectful to your bf, imagine he went on some forum and talked this way about you how would you feel?

Getting your sexual needs met in a relationship is very important its not something to be put aside. There are ways you can bring your needs to his attention without being confrontational about it. Watch youtube vids /books/ read other forums and come up with new things to try in bed with him. Properly guide him and instruct him on how you like certain things, ask him if there is any new things he wants to try personally. Ideally you would want the guy to know all of this before hand but thats rare especially if hes time crunched doing other things

If he really checks off all your boxes and you don't want to leave have a respectful conversation about your sexual relationship and bring ideas to the table to try, dont be passive and expect him to read your mind.

Address this sooner rather than later, theres a possibility you may end up cheating on him if another guy comes along and can make you feel a certain way.

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18 hours ago, tashadwoodfall said:

So I love my bf, he checks all the boxes except one. His dick isn't very big and he doesn't last long.

Instead of cheating I'm considering asking him if he wants to explore like me having sex with someone else in front of him.

Bad idea? If I ask him I'm not sure how he would react so I don't ask but at the same time I'm finding myself thinking about getting my needs met with someone else behind his back but we all know that isn't a good idea.



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17 hours ago, tashadwoodfall said:

well you can fuck almost anything with enough money.




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3 hours ago, Pavement said:

Nobody else feel like this is a troll post?  

They are not good at detecting trolls. But if you point it out they will  ban you. It happened to me.

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*puts two fingers on ear like a reporter*

BREAKING:  Men shocked ITT that women like big dicks.

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