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Illusory Self

Strength assesment question

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I did the strength assesment to find my highest strengths but sometimes I get questions such as "do your friends consider you wise", what if you had no good friends? or something along the lines of "do you have a good work ethic". But what if you are just in a bad situation right now which results in bad work ethic but you would have a good work ethic, if you were not in a bad situation. Also I got a lot of questions about team work & groups but I have never really been a part of a team or group & same goes with leadership. 

I tried doing it a few times but a lot of the questions I am really unsure about & I go neatral on quite a few. Do you recommend that?

Also does anyone have a link for a list of the the top 24 strengths with all the definitionsalso? I had a look around but could not seem to find a good source.

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You have your whole life to come back to the questions as you evolve. Some questions may not be answered, some may apply more to you. Just answer them honestly like you have here I think…

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art Okay  thanks I will, it just can feel pretty tricky when you have such little life experience. Do you think the ones I am not sure about to just go for the middle option

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