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Why Consciousness is One and can NOT be TWO? (Or 3,4,5, 100, etc...?)

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6 hours ago, Nahm said:

Why Consciousness is One and can NOT be TWO?

Consciousness is one and can be two. 


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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17 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

@The0Self I think only thoughts and logic after the fact can end materialist paradigms. The few absolute truths revealed on drugs pertain to mind and the nature of it; the total dimensionlessness of awareness, emptiness, things along those lines are beyond question.

The other drug delusions, when the boundary ends and I start begging others to tell me whether or not they're me. Or screaming I broke the universe. Or that I met "God"... I don't think there's anything special and definitively true in any of that as compared to the direct insight into what awareness is. The lack of a "self" substance is another truth you can find, since you can find what your self is, is just a changing object appearing to something substantially nothing.

I doubt anyone else has had some secret further proofs. All we know is the mind, and knowing the nature of it is all we can be sure of via drugs. Logic and reason is required for the rest.

The key with powerful drug or sober spiritual experiences is to believe the experience, not the thoughts about the experience per se. The experiences themselves are substantial enough to break the materialist paradigm to degrees without even needing to rely on the questionable thought-based “insights”. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@BipolarGrowth Belief without proof is just faith. There are some things which are absolutely knowable via experience alone, not reliant upon faith at all... The rest may as well be Christianity.

After the proven knowable elements, only thought/logic inquiry can be of help if proof is desired. Else a person is just being religious. And then I might as well just pick up a Bible, what's the difference?

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21 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

@The0Self I think only thoughts and logic after the fact can end materialist paradigms. The few absolute truths revealed on drugs pertain to mind and the nature of it; the total dimensionlessness of awareness, emptiness, things along those lines are beyond question.

The other drug delusions, when the boundary ends and I start begging others to tell me whether or not they're me. Or screaming I broke the universe. Or that I met "God"... I don't think there's anything special and definitively true in any of that as compared to the direct insight into what awareness is. The lack of a "self" substance is another truth you can find, since you can find what your self is, is just a changing object appearing to something substantially nothing.

I doubt anyone else has had some secret further proofs. All we know is the mind, and knowing the nature of it is all we can be sure of via drugs. Logic and reason is required for the rest.

Logic and reason is somewhat necessary but not even approaching sufficient. All one really needs is focused intent + a desire for truth -- by being more averse to falsehood than death, which at any given time, one either is or they aren't. Therefore, the most important thing on the path is illuminating one's desires -- most do not even know what their authentic desires are. Universe always gives you what you truly want, but that will of course only be recognized if you know what you truly want.

The mind protects itself from being "found out" far more than I think nearly everyone assumes. Ever followed a dedicated inquiry into emptiness of self and all the sudden the mind just slows down and refuses to go further, and so you try harder and it just takes you down any path other than the direct obviousness that there is no self? That's because illusoriness is all-encompassing. That's why desire, and the resultant focused-intent extended over long periods, is crucial. Delusion (knowing as true what is false) is prior to perception, so two-ness (falseness) fills the entire view. You've got that to contend with, and it is virtually insurmountable -- its destruction is only assured with a desire and focus that is absolute, or at the very least a strong knack for very powerful feeling-intuition.

Logic and reason really just ain't gonna cut it.

Edited by The0Self

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The question of one or many is a thorny one, with a long history.  I don't think it can be cleared away in a forum post, but I'll provide a few pointers.

First, make a clear distinction between the mind and consciousness.  There are many states of the mind (waking, dreaming, sleeping), but it is the same consciousness that illuminates them all.  Consciousness is the "I" present throughout.  It is unchanging.

The mind is nothing more than a collective stream of thoughts, perceptions, etc.  It is dependent upon time to exist, since it is time that separates one thought from another, just like space separates one object from another.  Since it is consciousness that illuminates both time and space, it transcends both, so how can consciousness be divided by them?  Since minds are in consciousness, they cannot condition consciousness, so minds cannot divide one consciousness from another.  If there is nothing to divide one consciousness from another, how can it be more than one?

We also have to consider the law of identity (a = a).  Imagine consciousness devoid of all objects.  How could you have 2 consciousness without objects, and they somehow be different consciousnesses?  They would be identical in every way, and thus the same consciousness.  

You can also contemplate on the infinite nature of consciousness, and how the idea of two infinites creates an absurdity.  

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