
Moving to the 5th dimension. What is it?

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New Age gurus and content refer a lot to the idea of dimension, or densities. Like moving to the 4th dimension or 5th density or dimension and so on. I imagine many of you have listened something of that sort.

What is it really? is there anything to take seriously? does it have anything to do with the idea of dimensions in physics?

Please, I would like to know if it is all bullshit or there is some substance to it...

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This might have nothing to do with what you're referring to, but I think you can use it as a way to refer to different types of perception, cognition or consciousness that is also somewhat consistent with a physical understanding of dimensions. In our normal everyday reality, we tend to live moment to moment in 3 dimensions. The structure of moving from one moment of 3-dimensional experience to the next can be represented as a movement through the 4th dimension (time). 

Now, what the heck could the 5th or any higher dimension usefully represent? I think one example is psychic phenomena like precognition. Precognition is when you gather information from one part of 4th dimensional space to the next (from one moment to another) in a sort of discontinuous leap (a movement "outside" of ordinary 4-dimensional movement). This type of movement of information could be represented as a 5th dimensional movement. Why? Because it's is not a linear movement like the moment to moment 4th dimensional movement, but something else, something of a higher-order complexity.

For example, to try to explain why you had that exact precognition at that exact moment is not as straightforward as for example trying to explain why you had the idea to go to the store when you saw that the fridge was empty, because the latter explanation is linear and local ("this caused this" etc.). On the other hand, why the hell did I dream about being chased by tornadoes during one of the biggest tornado outbreaks in history on the other side of the world? (this actually happened).

When you feel the need to ask yourself "where did that information come from and why is it in my head?", it's a sign you're dealing with some higher dimensional phenomena (5th etc.). You can say that ordinary everyday thoughts tend to operate within the 3rd and 4th dimension, while discontinuous leaps (like insight, intuition, precognition) could be said to be of a higher dimensional quality. 

In summary, ordinary cognition is local and linear, and extraordinary cognition like intuition, precognition and other psychic phenomena tends to be global, non-local and non-linear. A closely related dichotomy is rationality vs. trans-rationality (and personal vs. trans-personal domains).

I have a topic about some of my experiences of precognition (dreaming about future real-events) if you're interested:

Now, what exactly is the structure of 5-dimensional movement? Why is it at a higher order of complexity than 4-dimensional movement? Well, people with psychic abilities (or people who self-report having regular experiences of psychic phenomena) tend to report that it's not "their" insight or "their" ability or even their "will". It's as if their ability is a part of a larger plan, something ultimately outside of their control (you can call it "God's plan" or "Love").

You also see this with artists who enter a state of flow, where suddenly they feel like they're channeling some higher intelligence that is not their own, and that they're simply a witness to it all. You can say that the post-4-dimensional complexity taps into the infinite intelligence of God at some level (in a sense that it defies explanation).

After all, God's infinite being is an infinitely complex structure, and it transcends our ordinary, linear explanatory models (which after all are limited by our survival and evolutionary history; they're not at all capable of giving a comprehensive account of reality as a whole). So what is it exactly (the 5th dimension)? Well, it's simply the trans-personal and trans-rational levels of intelligence and complexity.

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2 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

Thinking out loud

@Judy2 ya, something like that.  It is like Spiral Dynamic, these density levels can be applied to individual (a person) or group (human social group)

@Yidaki Depending on the context, moving to 5D may have different meaning but I think there are just a few ways I will make sense

Individual level:  A person in 4D is someone who is having Love & Harmony, in other words who are enlightened with Unconditional Love.  Moving to 5D is moving to Infinity intelligent another level of awakening.  Someone who skips 4D and enter directly to 5D will become something like -4D

Earth/Social level:   Earth moving to 4D will be a peaceful and harmony world, universal healthcare, sharing cultures, no-more suffering on individual level...  moving to 5D in this case would be becoming to Galaxy/Start citizen and start to exchange culture and technologies with Aliens.   The reason the aliens are waiting for us to enter 4D before they can show up because they don't want to destroy Earth culture too early.



mmmh interesting

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I do take it seriously, at the same time I know that this is knowledge filtered through a human, making it an imperfect representation.

Now here's an actual scientist with a very interesting talk where he speculates on how DMT could make us see into other dimensions.

I enjoyed it a lot, absolutely fascinating.


Edited by flowboy

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On 2021-12-30 at 9:45 PM, Yidaki said:

New Age gurus and content refer a lot to the idea of dimension, or densities. Like moving to the 4th dimension or 5th density or dimension and so on. I imagine many of you have listened something of that sort.

What is it really? is there anything to take seriously? does it have anything to do with the idea of dimensions in physics?

Please, I would like to know if it is all bullshit or there is some substance to it...

All propaganda to make it seem shiny and interesting

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