
Logic and spirituality?

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What the connection between logic and spirituality? How important Rationality in spirituality?

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Systems thinking>rational thinking

And something will be better than systems thinking



There many ways to think and rationality is one of them.chakras and kundalini locate in astral diamension and u cannot use rationality to understand it.the logic of meditation is not rational logic.its something else

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I don't think it's bad or should be avoided just because Leo says it has limitation. 

When I meditate, I like to use logic to notice and make sense of the law of cause and effect.

For example, what causes suffering, and what ends it? Who knows, maybe if I can answer that one precisely, I'll have learned how to meditate ;):).

Another way I think of it is like... Leo so often says this spiritual self-help stuff is about coming to a deeper understanding of reality, and he says that open-mindedness is very useful for doing that. So based on that my logic would be as follows: whilst I may not yet understand how to figure things out without using logic, if I keep my mind open to the possibility of being able to, maybe I'll get there one day.

One way like to practice this is to set an intention to receive non-rational/non-logical/non-thought-based answers to my many questions about life, reality, spirituality and self-actualization, and then wait with my mind open to that possibility, even though I'm clueless as to what that kind of an answer would look like. Importantly, if I don't get an answer, I don't let that discourage me or use it as a reason to close my mind off to the possibility that maybe one of these days, I will. 

I'm going to follow this thread because I really like the line of inquiry and think it might help me clear up potential unconsciously held misunderstandings in myself, thanks for making it!

@Hulk, what do you think of my reply, and how would you answer your own question? Let's contemplate it together, mate! :x

Edited by softlyblossoming

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Who decides where logic ends and suddenly becomes illogical? The belief that one is that "who" is illogical and yet also conceives of the idea of logic itself. Spirituality is not mistaking the knower for the known, but being the knowing itself, ever here and now. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, Hulk said:

How important Rationality in spirituality?

ummm...I think it is to cut away the  BS. 

when something comes up let's say a theory ,experience or a story, We can first direct our skepticism under a rational backdrop. then  analyze it under systems thinking . then  the dots start to connect.

some spiritual stuff is not rational and contradicts reason. thus, we need an integration of various techniques to separate truth from fallacy!

if u haven't already, leo's episode on holistic thinking had many gold nuggets..cha-ching!

have a great day!



my mini-blog! 

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@Hulk Some form of logical reasoning is important for survival, making decisions, etc and I also think reason is important when it comes to spirituality and spirituality for reason....

They are both connected obviously and they aren't as dualistic as it seems on the surface.

However these words "Reason" or "Spirituality" are both deep nebulous things that you will need to explore through your own experience and contemplation for years to come.

If you are doing Accounting, use reason and logic with some level of emotional intelligence

if you are doing therapy or leading a Qigong class, use your spiritual and emotional development.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Hulk said:

How important Rationality in spirituality?

ummm...I think it is to cut away the  BS. 

when something comes up let's say a theory ,experience or a story, We can first direct our skepticism under a rational backdrop. then  analyze it under systems thinking . then  the dots start to connect.

some spiritual stuff is not rational and contradicts reason. thus, we need an integration of various techniques to separate truth from fallacy!

if u haven't already, leo's episode on holistic thinking had many gold nuggets..cha-ching!

have a great day!



my mini-blog! 

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The key is to be 100% logical and to be totally insane at the same time. ? That's how life is imo.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@softlyblossoming Rationality is that all exist. Being Rational, reasonable, and logical is perfect human quality. Spirituality without being Rational is failure.

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You can have both you know, they're not mutually exclusive.

A philosopher like Hegel is a good embodiment of using both in mutually reinforcing ways.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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@happyhappy ego backlash… 

sometimes I get nervous about what we talk about here. 

At this point I’ve learned enough about ego that I’m allowed to say one thing and then change my mind… I’m not nice .

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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