
Raw UFO footage captured in Tampa, FL (Dec. 25, 2021)

55 posts in this topic

@Blackhawk Nice, but not quite ;) More like, “I don’t know how a *classical* object, such as the one observed, can violate Newton’s first law inertia, i.e. a fundamental tenet of classical mechanics. Therefore, non-human agents may be involved.” 

It is theoretically possible for photons/bosons to cumulatively combine into “macroscopic quantum states”. 

Edited by Bioclassifiers

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2 minutes ago, Bioclassifiers said:

“I don’t know how a *classical* object, such as the one observed, can violate the Newton’s first law inertia, i.e. a fundamental tenet of classical mechanics.

My man... it's a fly, or some little particle. It just looks like it's violating inertia law. You're interpreting a bit too much into this barely visible spot that can easily be explained by simple phenomena.

But you have to bring some more convincing/unexplainable footage to the table to seriously consider it to be a UFO. 

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5 minutes ago, Bioclassifiers said:

@Blackhawk Nice, but not quite ;) More like, “I don’t know how a *classical* object, such as the one observed, can violate the Newton’s first law inertia, i.e. a fundamental tenet of classical mechanics. Therefore, non-human agents may be involved.” 

It is theoretically possible for photons/bosons to cumulatively combine into “macroscopic quantum states”. 


It's just flying insects which are getting lit up by the light which is behind the camera.

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It looks like a firework thing during Christmas.

Last time somebody saw a light in the sky on this forum, that somebody thought it was Jesus Christ flying around. 

I find these interpretations quite funny. 


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lens flare... there is a light liner under the flare and the airplane,,, when you move the camera it happened...

Leo said nice... those videos make you look very bad, and if there are real videos they will be put in a box of such stupid videos like this... this really is bad...

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59 minutes ago, Dino D said:

lens flare... there is a light liner under the flare and the airplane,,, when you move the camera it happened...

Leo said nice... those videos make you look very bad, and if there are real videos they will be put in a box of such stupid videos like this... this really is bad...


Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

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@Dino D “Leo said” lol - let’s think for ourselves, shall we? You can summarily dismiss the video, but be civil. 

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Why are aliens so obsessed with the USA? They appear there all the time, always abducting people and probing them, but never in any other areas of the world 9_9

Edited by vizual

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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54 minutes ago, vizual said:

Why are aliens so obsessed with the USA? They appear there all the time, always abducting people and probing them, but never in any other areas of the world 9_9

Ha! It seems so! Maybe your sources are US-based! If you look more deeply, Russia (and many other countries…in fact, probably all of them) has some serious sightings and credible accounts. One might even surmise that Russian military scientists have been “channeling” negative ET’s in the service of energy-directed weapon construction… 

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4 hours ago, Bioclassifiers said:

@Gregory1 If you don’t mind, care to share your psychedelic experience with ET’s and why they were negative?

Yes, thank you for reminding me.

Before I share my experience I would like to add that there is a higher reality that encompasses everything that could ever exist. I am God and as God I have created everything, including all aliens that could ever influence me. Someone who wants to live in truth must understand the following: As God you have responsibility for all experiences, including painful and traumatizing ones. You have to take full ownership of all of them.

Now to my experience: Before I explain what happened to me, let me say the following: The experience I had, seemed to be as real, if not realer than ordinary physical reality. Therefore my conclusion is that this "psychic attack" I experienced could be shared by other humans and might be as real as what we refer to as "physical reality"

I had my 11th LSD-experience. Usually LSD-experiences for me came with great clarity. If the dose would be high enough I would always realize my oneness with everything, realize that I am God and that God is Love. I would in great clarity understand the purpose of existence and of life. I never had any visual hallucinations, I never had any disturbences, I never had physical uncomforts or pain.

This time everything was different. I was on the edge, 1 second away from god-realization, when I experienced strange words moving through my conciousness. I heard words that I did not know existed, that I have never heard. It felt like foreign voices where in my head, distracting me from realizing that I was God. It felt like somebody / some entity was trying to manipulate my state of conciousness.

It seemed to me, that God realization corresponds to a certain "frequency" of conciousness. Another frequency was interferring with my "usual frequency" which was keeping me away from coming to God frequency. I was in a state of utter confusion because my conciousness was being manipulated.

It felt like I was physically being attacked, but on a conciousness-level. I fought it and realized that if I use my willpower I can still realize God. I tried to use my will but something really frightening happened. The dark entities that tried to manipulate my conciousness where creating pain. Intense pain. Physical pain. The more truthful I became, the more transparent to God, the closer I came to seeing the truth, the more pain they woud induce into my body. At a sudden point the pain got so strong that I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like if I wouldn't stop it now, I would literally physically die.

The dark beings had shared a message with me. It was clear. They said:

"Live your life as a human being and stop looking for truth or for god and you won't get in trouble. If you continue searching for God, life will get really really difficult for you, we will manipulate everything in order to torture you and make you feel pain. On the other hand, if you give up we will help you to live your ordinary life, manipulate some humans in order for you to have it easy and you will be able to live a comfortable life, have a nice woman and a nice family, no need to worry about money/etc."

I wanted God. I wanted truth. I was strong. I said no to them. I fought. The pain got unbearable. They took control over my body and my body fell to the ground and twisted and curled up in pain. I gave up. I stopped looking for God and started trying to distract myself. Immediately the pain stopped. I said to the aliens:

"I give up. I'll never do psychedelics again. I'll live my human life and stop asking questions. But one thing I will remember. I'll remember how weak I was. I will remember that I was weak, that I gave up, that I wasn't willing to die and to suffer for truth. I will never be arrogant again and always try to see God in the faces of all other people in my life. Always try to see the best in them."

After the trip I realized that I made a mistake. These Aliens / negative entities can only present you with illusions. The illusion they presented me with, was that I could physically die. They did so by causing my body pain. However, death is impossible since I am God. The aliens manipulated me with illusions and I BELIEVED THEIR ILLUSIONS. Therefore, I USED MY OWN FREE WILL TO SERVE EVIL, which I shouldn't have done. I should've surrendered to the pain and died and in dying I would've realized that death is impossible and that I am God creating myself including the aliens. However, I gave up and therefore didn't fully utilize the trip.

What I know now is, that there are negative beings / dark entities, that only care for power / controlling other beings. They do so because they are detached from Love and from God and therefore their greatest fear is, that other beings could realize Love, could realize the holy truth of all of existence, namely the sentence: I AM GOD.

These beings would do all in their power to stop people from realizing that "I AM GOD", because once you realize that, you become all powerful and these beings will lose all their power.

I am sure that these negative ETs where indeed aliens, I did not see them in form of physical bodies but I felt their power and their manipulation of my conciousness. They do exist in the same way that the walls of my house exist: As part of God, as part of "physical reality", as part of Conciousness.

However, nothing in this existence including conciousness-manipulating aliens can have powers over you, since you are God - the creator of even the conciousness-manipulating aliens. To truly understand what it means to be God, God has to forget that he is God, has to believe that death is a "real thing" and then be willing to physically die for his highest truth. This is the reason why God even creates such awful and evil creatures. They give him the opportunity to experiencially understand, what it truly means to be God.

Next time I encounter aliens, I hope I will be strong enough to keep saying "fuck you" to them. If I say it long enough until I physically die, the aliens will cease to exist and all that remains will be God/Infinite Love.

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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25 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Yes, thank you for reminding me.

Before I share my experience I would like to add that there is a higher reality that encompasses everything that could ever exist. I am God and as God I have created everything, including all aliens that could ever influence me. Someone who wants to live in truth must understand the following: As God you have responsibility for all experiences, including painful and traumatizing ones. You have to take full ownership of all of them.

Now to my experience: Before I explain what happened to me, let me say the following: The experience I had, seemed to be as real, if not realer than ordinary physical reality. Therefore my conclusion is that this "psychic attack" I experienced could be shared by other humans and might be as real as what we refer to as "physical reality"

I had my 11th LSD-experience. Usually LSD-experiences for me came with great clarity. If the dose would be high enough I would always realize my oneness with everything, realize that I am God and that God is Love. I would in great clarity understand the purpose of existence and of life. I never had any visual hallucinations, I never had any disturbences, I never had physical uncomforts or pain.

This time everything was different. I was on the edge, 1 second away from god-realization, when I experienced strange words moving through my conciousness. I heard words that I did not know existed, that I have never heard. It felt like foreign voices where in my head, distracting me from realizing that I was God. It felt like somebody / some entity was trying to manipulate my state of conciousness.

It seemed to me, that God realization corresponds to a certain "frequency" of conciousness. Another frequency was interferring with my "usual frequency" which was keeping me away from coming to God frequency. I was in a state of utter confusion because my conciousness was being manipulated.

It felt like I was physically being attacked, but on a conciousness-level. I fought it and realized that if I use my willpower I can still realize God. I tried to use my will but something really frightening happened. The dark entities that tried to manipulate my conciousness where creating pain. Intense pain. Physical pain. The more truthful I became, the more transparent to God, the closer I came to seeing the truth, the more pain they woud induce into my body. At a sudden point the pain got so strong that I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like if I wouldn't stop it now, I would literally physically die.

The dark beings had shared a message with me. It was clear. They said:

"Live your life as a human being and stop looking for truth or for god and you won't get in trouble. If you continue searching for God, life will get really really difficult for you, we will manipulate everything in order to torture you and make you feel pain. On the other hand, if you give up we will help you to live your ordinary life, manipulate some humans in order for you to have it easy and you will be able to live a comfortable life, have a nice woman and a nice family, no need to worry about money/etc."

I wanted God. I wanted truth. I was strong. I said no to them. I fought. The pain got unbearable. They took control over my body and my body fell to the ground and twisted and curled up in pain. I gave up. I stopped looking for God and started trying to distract myself. Immediately the pain stopped. I said to the aliens:

"I give up. I'll never do psychedelics again. I'll live my human life and stop asking questions. But one thing I will remember. I'll remember how weak I was. I will remember that I was weak, that I gave up, that I wasn't willing to die and to suffer for truth. I will never be arrogant again and always try to see God in the faces of all other people in my life. Always try to see the best in them."

After the trip I realized that I made a mistake. These Aliens / negative entities can only present you with illusions. The illusion they presented me with, was that I could physically die. They did so by causing my body pain. However, death is impossible since I am God. The aliens manipulated me with illusions and I BELIEVED THEIR ILLUSIONS. Therefore, I USED MY OWN FREE WILL TO SERVE EVIL, which I shouldn't have done. I should've surrendered to the pain and died and in dying I would've realized that death is impossible and that I am God creating myself including the aliens. However, I gave up and therefore didn't fully utilize the trip.

What I know now is, that there are negative beings / dark entities, that only care for power / controlling other beings. They do so because they are detached from Love and from God and therefore their greatest fear is, that other beings could realize Love, could realize the holy truth of all of existence, namely the sentence: I AM GOD.

These beings would do all in their power to stop people from realizing that "I AM GOD", because once you realize that you become all powerful and these beings will lose all their power.

I am sure that these negative ETs where indeed aliens, I did not see them in form of physical bodies but I felt their power and their manipulation of my conciousness. They do exist in the same way that the walls of my house exist: As part of God, as part of "physical reality", as part of Conciousness.

However, nothing in this existence including conciousness-manipulating aliens can have powers over you, since you are God - the creator of even the conciousness-manipulating aliens. To truly understand what it means to be God, God has to forget that he is God, has to believe that death is a "real thing" and then be willing to physically die for his highest truth. This is the reason why God even creates such awful and evil creatures. They give him the opportunity to experiencially understand, what it truly means to be God.

Next time I encounter aliens, I hope I will be strong enough to keep saying "fuck you" to them. If I say it long enough until I physically die, the aliens will cease to exist and all that remains will be God/Infinite Love.

Wow… WOW! O.o Your use of the term “psychic attack” leads me to believe that you’ve read (or studied) the “Ra Material” ( — you experienced “higher-density entities” which may be called “negative friends” or companions; they are “extraterrestrial” in the strict sense that they biologically originated on a separate planet, yet no longer inhabit biochemical bodies as we do (they inhabit what one might call an “electrical body”). I deeply empathize with this experience, as I felt something stunningly similar while on a heavier dose of mushrooms. I’ll share soon.

The entities contacting/greeting/attacking me were just as forceful, if not even more so. I actually blacked/passed out! I almost relinquished myself! At that time in my life, I was desperately seeking money and, during this trip, I actually tried to “materialize” money into my own hands (I know, I know). I attracted a static-y wasplike voice (or set of voices) which began coaching/counseling me on “how to do it”. I was susceptible, and I obeyed. I awakened from my black-out to a room coated (in fact, festooned) with glowing soft white patches humming with an angelic “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” — I could not help but weep and rapidly repeat “thank you, I love you” maybe 20-30 times. 

I’ll detail the full story soon (maybe tonight), just as an ode and thanks to yours. Thank you. You/We/All are God! ALL IS ONE!!!! 

Edited by Bioclassifiers

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37 minutes ago, Bioclassifiers said:

Wow… WOW! O.o Your use of the term “psychic attack” leads me to believe that you’ve read (or studied) the “Ra Material”

Yes, indeed.

( — you experienced “higher-density entities” which may be called “negative friends” or companions; they are “extraterrestrial” in the strict sense that they biologically originated on a separate planet, yet no longer inhabit biochemical bodies as we do (they inhabit what one might call an “electrical body”). I deeply empathize with this experience, as I felt something stunningly similar while on a heavier dose of mushrooms. I’ll share soon.

I would love to read your experience, please tagg me once you wrote your report;)

The entities contacting/greeting/attacking me were just as forceful, if not even more so. I actually blacked/passed out! I almost relinquished myself! At that time in my life, I was desperately seeking money and, during this trip, I actually tried to “materialize” money into my own hands (I know, I know). I attracted a static-y wasplike voice (or set of voices) which began coaching/counseling me on “how to do it”. I was susceptible, and I obeyed. I awakened from my black-out to a room coated (in fact, festooned) with glowing soft white patches humming with an angelic “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” — I could not help but weep and rapidly repeat “thank you, I love you” maybe 20-30 times. 

This sounds like a circusxD, you're still a money chaser? Would be happy to hear your full report!:)

I’ll detail the full story soon (maybe tonight), just as an ode and thanks to yours. Thank you. You/We/All are God! ALL IS ONE!!!! 


Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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3 hours ago, Gregory1 said:



I will update you! But nah, I’ve never chased money. I was lacking the funds to support my basic needs, and felt desperate. This, unfortunately, created a “window” or hole - as Ra calls it - through which a very powerful negative friend established contact with me. Excited to know that you’ve delved into the Ra Material! 

Edited by Bioclassifiers

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