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Illusory Self

best ways to fix low self esteem?

21 posts in this topic

Update your style. Dress well, clean and look good. New fresh different haircut. Exercise.Go to the beach. Get a bike (The one that helped me the most since it forces you to be present, alive with adrenaline. It breaks the thought pattern habits by doing a constant masculine effort to survive). I would say getting a bike (learn first with a scooter) and playing some sport you like are like the two first things you must do to force your psychology to change and get out from your present thought pattern. Those two will automatically upload your self image in addition to your new style (get temporary tattoos and earrings at least). 

Then take alot of action and rest at the same time. And set a practice just as meditation to think positive thoughts mostly about what you like and want (ask and it is given book). If you are out of home like work, you need to create a strategy were something like a photo can trigger a positive thought so you can keep attracting more positive thoughts so you feel better and better while you are there most of the time, so you dont create negative thought patterns. You have to be extremely careful of what you think at work and home specially.

Man, the bike is just magic. It will give you a sense of freedom and aventure, were you dont need to wait for traveling in order to break free from your ego cocoon. 

Stay like these by creating a new active positive loop lifestyle of thoughts and habits. You are what you do (experience), think and eat. (self Image is not static. It has to be constantly mantained by alot of positive feed back and experience. Getting positive friends in some activities like sports can be helpful to keep it alive).

The importance of looking good and powerful, masculine is to feel like these and get good feedback from others. The feedback others give you is crucial for your self image. You need to defend it or run from those enviorments if its negative. 

Self image is mostly about action/experience. You need to get away from not natural habits like being at home all day in bed, using phone and media. Your life style. should be like a grown kid. You need to wake up excited about creating whatever you want. Learning new skills will make you feel very good,like dancing. Doing parkour or going to dangerous heights. Watching movies and playing games after working on what you like.

(But you will also need self control through yoga, meditation and stoicism to have some control of your present experience and thoughts).

Its just that most of us got used to this new digital lifestyle and forgot what it feels to live again. If you stay like these, there wont even be an inch of space to think negativity or suffer. 

Lastly, if you ever feel bad. Standing up alone will raise your mood. Better than nothing. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

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