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Women are more socially conservative than men

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Because women mostly vote democratic, people assume women are more liberal than men, which is true on some things


research finds that, on average, women tend to hold moderately more politically liberal views than men on such issues as support for government spending on social welfare and environmental regulation, gun control, and equal rights for women, gays and lesbians, and tend to be less supportive of capital punishment, defense spending, and aggressive military action.

However socially, women seem to be more conservative 


However, there are certain other issues on which women tend to be more conservative, e.g., they tend to be more disapproving “of behaviour that violates conventional moral norms,” such as pornography, divorce, extramarital relationships, casual sex, and drug use (Elder & Greene, 2018).

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It's because it's more punishing for a woman to break out of the social matrix and not follow norms. They will be scorned heavily by other females.

Whereas males crossing over social boundaries are seen as mavericks, unique individuals, explorers, etc, and loners at worst.

It's a funny coincidence you bring this up, I was actually thinking about this deeply this morning. Specifically about the video game community. Where in this day and age the technology is so common and encouraged because of the pandemic but still massively male dominated.

There is really no reason it should be such a one sided domain but it is, because women who play games are considered really weird for playing games and not socializing in a traditional way.


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2 hours ago, Raze said:

However, there are certain other issues on which women tend to be more conservative, e.g., they tend to be more disapproving “of behaviour that violates conventional moral norms,” such as pornography, divorce, extramarital relationships, casual sex, and drug use (Elder & Greene, 2018).


I think there is an important factor that is missing here which is why they oppose such things. Disapproving casual sex because it is seen as dirty and sinful is different compared to disapproving casual sex because one prioritizes deeper, long term commitments. Accepting things for acceptance sake isn't always the best route imo. Sometimes having certain restrictions is about having boundaries and standards for oneself that is best for the long run.  

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Women generally more open-minded than men.

So, I won't describe women as more conservative than men.

It's also very natural for women to not support things like pornography and drugs, not out of conservatism but out of other reasons.

Mainstream pornography designed mainly for men and it encourages unrealistic expectations from woman's body, it's not a smart thing for a woman to support eagerly pornography lol, we have no good reason to support it but to destroy it because it ruins our wellness, self esteen, body image and relationships with men.

Divorce- women were socialized that marriage is their life goal, and having a husband makes them more valuable as human beings, so yes, if you socialize that way, divorce is your enemy to your position in society. You, as women don't want to be a divorced woman or a single cat lady because society would see you as inferior and treat you bad.

Extramarital relationships- Society treats women who are engage in extramarital relationships very bad, society don't treat men who are engage in extramarital relationships the same way, especially in more traditional cultures, so yes, it's not women' interest to be treated badly by society lol.

Casual sex- How society treat a woman who engage in casual sex? As a hero? No. As a wonder woman? No. As a normal human being with sexual needs? No. Society shame women for having casual sex, even in 2021. society shame women very hard in a way that it makes women to believe they don't like it or don't need it or even hate it.

Drug use- Women don't have the same access for drugs men have. Most countries have no legalization and people have to deal with criminals and shady personalities in order to achieve drugs. It's much more dangerous for women to buy drugs than it's for men.

When she has no access to drugs, she won't be interested in drugs and she won't know how good they can feel so obviously she won't be interested in legalization.

In addition, women lives are hard because of the patriarchy, do you think that their main political concern is legalization of drugs for white men?

There are much more important political issues that women concerned about.



22 hours ago, Raze said:

This article ignores the patriarchy factor, patriarchy is a huge part of the matrix we live in. We still live in patriarchal society and it impacts everything.



Edited by Random witch

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More like women are more socially sophisticated than men.

This is because they more feelings oriented over logic, and it shows in the socialization / maintenance of relationships.

This is a positive trait that women don't get credit for. They balance out the social dysfunctions of men quite well.

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It's women who contributed to the sexual revolution more than anything. 

It's the patriarchy that forces women to follow conservative norms and shames them if they don't. 

It's the exact opposite. 

Women constantly support breaking traditional norms. Men constantly force women back into tradition. 

A 1000 years of patriarchy. It's old. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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3 hours ago, Preety_India said:

It's women who contributed to the sexual revolution more than anything. 

It's the patriarchy that forces women to follow conservative norms and shames them if they don't. 

It's the exact opposite. 

Women constantly support breaking traditional norms. Men constantly force women back into tradition. 

A 1000 years of patriarchy. It's old. 


It’s not that simple. Women are shown to be less approving of casual sex, divorce, pornography, etc. according to polling. Women have also been shown to be less approving of female bosses. Women can  maintain traditional structures as much as men.

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Just now, Raze said:

It’s not that simple. Women are shown to be less approving of casual sex, divorce, pornography, etc. according to polling. Women have also been shown to be less approving of female bosses. Women can  maintain traditional structures as much as men.

Everything you mentioned has more to do with traditional notions and norms of patriarchy and less to do with women. 

When women judge, it's basically the trickle down effect of being judged by men. 

That's why women tend to be more judgemental in traditionally patriarchal societies from the East than liberal feminist societies in the West. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India Interesting point, especially as women do most of the child care and junior school teaching around the world. (And these aren't high status jobs too).  So in theory women have a lot of power to influence children, therefore society too, if they are free to think for themselves. 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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On 29.12.2021 at 8:49 AM, Preety_India said:

When women judge, it's basically the trickle down effect of being judged by men. 


can't blame men for everything that's such an easy cop out

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30 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:


can't blame men for everything that's such an easy cop out

But I can blame women for everything. 

Because women raise children they teach them how to judge. They turn blank angels into judging machines. 

They are the root of all of our problems. 

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@Opo I hope your being sarcastic and tasteless, at best... Better think again what you've just written.

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Women judge other women as much as men, the extreme ends especially being the promiscuous woman and the chaste virgin woman. They judge promiscuous women because those women can take away their men with the offer of easier sex, and it lowers the bargaining power of one of the things they can offer men which is sex. If sex is freely available and men get their other needs (emotional, intellectual etc) met without women what need would men have to be with women. Women judge the chaste girl because it makes them feel lower in comparison and puts up a mirror to themselves. They feel as if that girl is judgmental and so don't want to be critiqued or judged that they sleep around easily. 

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men and women equally contribute to their roles in society.

Although, I don't see OP's proposition in my experience. Most women I meet are liberal and more men are conservative and rule oriented. 

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