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Hugo Oliveira

How to shift your reality when super attached?

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I'm feeling kind of stuck in it.

I believe that growth/flow/power will only really come through a kind of cosncious/energetic shift. And the way to make it happen is by letting go.

However, I am resistent to abandon the practical, rational and logical approaches to the situations. 

In sexuality for example, I'm doing many practical work (going to gym, practicing pick up), but I just feel that magic is missing and I am supeccious about the real power of these pragmatical methods.

When I am afraid of not getting the results I want, how to navegate better betwen the energies of control/manipulation V.S. allowing/flowing/accepting?    

Thank you!

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Start by accepting responsibility for all aspects of your life. This is hardest, yet most essential.

Your quality of life is directly correlated to the amount of responsibility you take.

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@Hugo Oliveira Something that helped me tremendously was carefully examining and changing all the limiting beliefs about myself and the world I had accepted or bought into. Your dominant beliefs, assumptions and expectations shapes the life you experience. When you align your beliefs, assumptions and expectations with your desires, you will experience them. 

Edited by Matthew85

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3 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

Start by accepting responsibility for all aspects of your life. This is hardest, yet most essential.

Your quality of life is directly correlated to the amount of responsibility you take.

Man you see, lately Ive felt that the opposite is true: the more "awakened" I get, the more I realize the extent of the delusion I was under about what's truly valuable in life . How can you lay blame upon a person thats essentially blind to the truth? I don't blame myself, or anybody or anything else in my life. It's  like u could say it's all been one great big ego- driven misunderstanding .

Edited by pfletcha

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5 minutes ago, pfletcha said:

Man you see, lately Ive felt that the opposite is true: the more "awakened" I get, the more I realize the extent of the delusion I was under about what's truly valuable in life . How can you lay blame upon a person thats essentially blind to the truth?

These are the lies you tell yourself to prevent you from doing real work to clean up your life.

Spiritual truths are not meant to be used to settle for mediocrity.

Reality might be an illusion, but there are "real" seeming consequences to your procrastination and lack of action. Truly awakened Beings understand this.

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On 1/1/2022 at 10:49 PM, flume said:

My 2 cents: The energetic shift that happens by "letting go", is going into the experience fully. It's counter-intuitive, but the only way out is through. The book "Letting Go" describes exactly this. It's so simple that you could dismiss it. A sort of "emotional orgasm" has to take place (through expression by yourself or with someone else), so the desire can pass through and you're clear headed & unattached when it comes to where you want to go

Usually, our rational & logical approach is not so rational and logical, but usually fueled by unmet needs, unacknowledged desires or emotions that aren't recognised for what they're trying to tell you.

The magic you're missing is communicating without an outcome in mind. As in: Non-manipulative (like Radical Honesty). As Matt Kahn once said "Desires don't fulfil us, only clear communication does."

I also don't think you have to choose between the two "modes" in a situation. You can know exactly what you want to create (being proactive), without being attached to the outcome, because being clear on your intention and communicating authentically is way more fulfilling than neurotically trying to create what you want. And, paradoxically (or not) other people also respond way better to this approach, because they feel your authenticity, which is naturally attractive.


my mini-blog! 

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Growing by a conscious/energetic shift is the practical, rational and logical approach.

The question now is, how do you get the conscious/energetic shift?

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