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I am skeptical of the idea that escaping wage slavery is possible for anyone

27 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

 if I knew for sure that it was a feasible path for me.

There is never a guaranteed path to exceptional success. That's part of the challenge! You have to do it despite everything in the environment telling you you'll fail.

Escaping wage slavery is not for people who need guaranteed paths and others to cheer-lead them. Escaping wage slavery is for people who are willing to do the work even everyone around them says it's impossible and that you shouldn't even try. You need massive vision and an irrational belief in yourself. You need to be so confident and adamant that even when you're failing you think you're succeeding.

In other words, your inner game is not appropriate for escaping wage slavery. You're hoping for some kind of promises and hand-holding -- but that's too weak of an attitude for creating serious success.

I should be here telling you that you'll fail no matter what you do. And you should be here telling me, "No, fuck you Leo! I will succeed no matter what you say. I will make so much money I will use $100 bills to light my cigars."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is never a guaranteed path to exceptional success. That's part of the challenge! You have to do it despite everything in the environment telling you you'll fail.

Escaping wage slavery is not for people who need guaranteed paths and others to cheer-lead them. Escaping wage slavery is for people who are willing to do the work even everyone around them says it's impossible and that you shouldn't even try. You need massive vision and an irrational belief in yourself. You need to be so confident and adamant that even when you're failing you think you're succeeding.

In other words, your inner game is not appropriate for escaping wage slavery. You're hoping for some kind of promises and hand-holding -- but that's too weak of an attitude for creating serious success.

I should be here telling you that you'll fail no matter what you do. And you should be here telling me, "No, fuck you Leo! I will succeed no matter what you say. I will make so much money I will use $100 bills to light my cigars."

So, in order to successfully get out of wage slavery, I have to be delusional?

Also, why do a lot people who lost their own businesses, which they may have had for a long time, end up going back to working for someone else in another kind of business?


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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

So, in order to successfully get out of wage slavery, I have to be delusional?

No, everyone is delusional.

What you have to do is to hug the Hardkill you are right now, tell him how much he means to you and how grateful you are for him. Then you rip him out of you and continue on your journey to not be a wage slave.

How many people you know have achieved this, what steps have you done to achieve this?

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18 hours ago, Hardkill said:

So, in order to successfully get out of wage slavery, I have to be delusional?

It's not delusion if you succeed.

Flying to the moon was delusional until it was done. Now it is considered science.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 12/27/2021 at 1:40 PM, Hardkill said:

I am actually doubting it

The more the emotion of doubt is understood the less there is doubt or that “it”. (There is no “it”. “It” is the experience of the emotion of doubt.)  Beliefs in the way will empty. You can’t see this because you have not the direct experience. Yet, I hope. ?? 



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Talent is not inherent unless you are not a retard with down syndrome. And life is full of risk. You can't prosper without taking risk.

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