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I am skeptical of the idea that escaping wage slavery is possible for anyone

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So, I watched Leo's vids on "Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time" and after he talked about what it generally takes to escape wage slavery, I am actually doubting it. I get that there is no quick scheme or fast and easy way to get out of wage slavery just like there is no get rich quick schemes that actually work; however, I am not sure if it is a realistic goal for everyone to achieve even if someone put many years of blood, sweat, and tears into getting out of wage slavery. How does a poor person who has little to no realistic chances of upward mobility and wasn't born with any kind of unique talents that are also marketable end up creating a successful business of their own? How does someone who barely makes him a living get out working for someone else during times of economic recessions? Furthermore, how does one even come up with a successful business of their own if things have gotten way too competitive and practically every kind of business idea has already been done before by someone else? Moreover, even if one does end up succeeding in making a sustainable profitable business of their own how does that person know that their business won't end up being taken over by some big corporation from either a hostile takeover or by simply being outcompeted? Additionally, what if your successful business ends up folding due to a nationwide or worldwide recession or economic crisis that will happen in the future?

Edited by Hardkill

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Pretty pessimistic lol, I would say it's possible if someone else can do it especially if they themselves have no particular skills. Ultimately its your mindset that will take you to freedom that's the most valuable asset. Think about it there were people in literal, physical slavery who either literally escaped or worked their way out, if they cam do it think about how many advantages you have over them. Other people who were enslaved didn't even think about escaping because they only saw themselves as slaves, of course the slave owners aimed to do this to them. 

So now the issue is more that being in slavery is not as bad so there's less motivation to escape (I'm not saying conditions should be worse). You need to find the motivation from somewhere else and get out. 

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Not everyone has the psychology or life conditions for it.. And not everyone wants to escape believe it or not. Some people simply need to be told what to do and how to do it and for how long to do it. People cope in so many ways and sometimes although they hate their job and express how much they would love to be their own bosses, they spend zero energy to resolve their situation. Everyone is made up of different personalities and psychological make ups and some people excel as their own leader and some people need to be led. 

I worked with a guy who had his own business as a locksmith but closed it down to work for another guy, I asked him why and he said that he's 'much happier as a number two, than a number one'. He truly loves being a locksmith and the work of locksmithing, but he doesn't love all the stuff that comes along with being a business owner, for him it took all the fun out of his work.

It's not that it's not possible for everyone, but you can't give people what they don't want. 

Edited by Ohsee
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23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

So, I watched Leo's vids on "Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time" and after he talked about what it generally takes to escape wage slavery, I am actually doubting it.

Doubt is an emotion. It’s not applicable to what you’re hearing, only to what you’re thinking. If value & slavery doesn’t resonate with you, you can  choose to think differently. Acknowledge that in this way of thinking you do end up experiencing disappointment & overwelment.  Don’t suppress it, that is how you ‘keep yourself down’. Lift yourself instead. 

23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

I get that there is no quick scheme or fast and easy way to get out of wage slavery just like there is no get rich quick schemes that actually work; however, I am not sure if it is a realistic goal for everyone to achieve even if someone put many years of blood, sweat, and tears into getting out of wage slavery.

Not true. You can deceive and manipulate and make lots of money very quickly. There are countless stories of those who have done so available online. Also, the outcomes of having done so. 

23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

How does a poor who little to no realistic chances of upward mobility and wasn't born with any kind of unique talents that are also marketable ending up creating. successful business of their own? 

By acknowledging and honoring the guidance you are receiving, emotions, in regard to those beliefs. Feels discordant, because it isn’t true about you at all. Seems paradoxical, because it’s a matter of humility, bringing yourself down a peg so to speak. Opening your mind up to the possibility that, you are not right. Just believing discordant thoughts, and choosing to ‘be right’ over how you feel. 

23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

How does someone who barely makes him a living get out working for someone else during times of economic recessions?

By embracing & understanding emotions and the guidance for creating therein. You have more than enough energy. Opportunities come to those with resonating attitudes.  You can be humble and open minded. You also don’t have to remain ignorant in regard to what you are feeling. People who did precisely what you are inquiring, in one way or another did just that. They ‘got out of their own way’.  

23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Furthermore, how does even come up with a successful business of their own if things these have gotten way too competitive and practically every kind of business idea has already been done before by someone else?

By ‘reaching’ for more aligned (better feeling) perspectives. What has been done before has not been done by you. What has been done before actually, only, creates more opportunity for you to do what you want to do. 

Consider, why in the world would a perspective which feels terrible, be believed to be accurate or true at all?  There must be some misunderstanding at play. 

23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Moreover, even if one does end up succeeding in making a sustainable profitable business of their own how does that person know that their business won't end up being taken over by some big corporation other from either a hostile takeover or by simply being outcompeted?

Hopefully it will, and you get a phat buyout check. 

Also, a creator would have learned, and would create another. 

But you’re ruminating and putting the cart before the horse here, and it is self defeating and feels as such. 

23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Additionally, what if your successful business ends up folding due to a nationwide or worldwide recession or economic crisis that will happen in the future?

You’ll then know just what you want to do next. 



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Of course you're being skeptical if you can't even see through your own bullshit. As someone once said; "the only thing standing between you and your success, is the bullshit story you tell yourself everyday." But go ahead, blame your socioeconomic status, or job, or the economy... it doesn't matter what you blame. In the end you will still end up in the same place as you started. Nowhere. Like a boat in the middle of the ocean drifting away with no destination.

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I understand what you guys are saying, but then how does one explain what happens to those whose businesses went belly-up or lost it to a big corporation and then end up having their whole lives being completely devastated to the point of either having to go back to being a wage slave for a very low paying salary or end up committing suicide?

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@Hardkill Not sure why you are probing this so deeply, are you conflicted on if you should escape wage slavery or not?

You are right that escaping wage slavery isn't for everyone, but those who deem it not right for them is not because of some external circumstance, they are simply comfortable with being a wage slave, or they have other fear / limiting beliefs.

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1 hour ago, Terell Kirby said:

@Hardkill Not sure why you are probing this so deeply, are you conflicted on if you should escape wage slavery or not?

You are right that escaping wage slavery isn't for everyone, but those who deem it not right for them is not because of some external circumstance, they are simply comfortable with being a wage slave, or they have other fear / limiting beliefs.

Yes, I am very conflicted on whether or not I am capable of escaping it myself. I don't want to put myself at risk of being homeless of going through some kind of financial ruin.

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38 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Yes, I am very conflicted on whether or not I am capable of escaping it myself. I don't want to put myself at risk of being homeless of going through some kind of financial ruin.

This is the whole thing with the mindset. What will keep you in wage slavery is fear and the fear you have of being ruined financially. If you take this fear out of the equation it would be nothing to at attempt to find a way out. 

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19 minutes ago, Consept said:

This is the whole thing with the mindset. What will keep you in wage slavery is fear and the fear you have of being ruined financially. If you take this fear out of the equation it would be nothing to at attempt to find a way out. 

I am trying to be realistic, practical, and trying to see through from a rational standpoint. I don't want to just gamble my life away like some reckless naive fool. 

If the only thing that is stopping me from achieving a successful business of my own is my fear, then couldn't you say that the only thing that's stopping anyone from becoming the next Tom Brady or the next Michael Jordan or the next Mike Tyson or the next Albert Einstein or the next President of the United the States or the next Jeff Bezos or some other kind of celebrity or legend is simply my fear? 

Edited by Hardkill

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

If the only thing that is stopping me from achieving a successful business of my own is my fear, then couldn't you say that the only that's stopping anyone from becoming a celebrity actor or becoming the next Tom Brady of football is my fear? 

Of course .. specifically fear of failure, or even fear of success.

Celebrity actors and Tom Brady most likely felt fear in their pursuits, but persisted (passion is a key ingredient).

Also, escaping wage slavery does not mean you need to be the next Brad Pit or Tom Brady .. it should be rooted in your life purpose and top values.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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5 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Of course .. specifically fear of failure, or even fear of success.

Celebrity actors and Tom Brady most likely felt fear in their pursuits, but persisted (passion is a key ingredient).

Also, escaping wage slavery does not mean you need to be the next Brad Pit or Tom Brady .. it should be rooted in your life purpose and top values.

Okay, but the point that I am making is that isn't the chance of being able to run a successful business of your own as small as becoming a famous person even if you tried your damndest?

Edited by Hardkill

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1 minute ago, Hardkill said:

Okay, but the point that I am making is that isn't the chance of being able to run a successful business of your own as small as becoming a famous person even if you tried your damndest?

The only way you'll find out is to actually do the work to escape wage slavery.

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@Hardkill Absolutely true, and valid.

I'm marxist, very left-leaning politically. However, if you're smart about it you can access resources that allow you to be the exception to the rule and rise out of your class position.

Its shit like not being prepared to leave your family, or do things like LoAttraction, and therapy that'll keep you stuck. A good rule of thumb is if people think you're crazy then you're on the right track (within reason lol).


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9 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

The only way you'll find out is to actually do the work to escape wage slavery.

Well, that doesn't sound very assuring.

Have you been able to escape wage slavery?

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Well, that doesn't sound very assuring.

The problem is you are wanting someone to assure you. You need to take responsibility for being stuck in wage slavery, either you are going to do something about it or not.

4 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Have you been able to escape wage slavery?


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7 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

The problem is you are wanting someone to assure you. You need to take responsibility for being stuck in wage slavery, either you are going to do something about it or not.


Look, I wouldn't mind putting in the years of hard work for getting out of wage slavery if I knew for sure that it was a feasible path for me. I just worried that could very well turn out to be a pipe-dream for me.

Edited by Hardkill

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

Look, I wouldn't mind putting in the years of hard work for getting out of wage slavery if I knew for sure that it was a feasible path for me. I just worried that could very well turn out to be a pipe-dream for me.

   I believe you can escape your wage slave status, no matter how long it takes.

   You just need to get clear on what you want out of life, what you want to create, what improvement you want to leave on the world, what the ideal career is to you, what big dream/vision you are willing to sacrifice for to make real, how you want to feel each day, what values you want to have, what strengths you have, what unique  qualities you have that makes you a genius, what skill you're willing to train on, and a list of goals you are working on.

   Also, don't discount subconscious training as well. There's definitely some limiting beliefs you have about gaining success, and fears of failure, change, unworthiness of such success, and so on.

   Not perfect myself, am still a work in progress and lost at sea, but I do have a big enough dream/life vision, a purpose, a career I like to get into at the moment, some inner work to do like finding out more about my values, training my EG and emotionally mastery, aligning more to my strengths and my unique genius, and some side projects and goals that keep me busy, that gives me some direction to go to, and to put my time and effort onto mastering some skills.


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On 12/27/2021 at 10:40 AM, Hardkill said:

I am not sure if it is a realistic goal for everyone to achieve

By definition everyone cannot escape wage slavery. It is not possible at a collective level. But it is possible for you at an individual level.

Not everyone can be a millionaire, but you can if you want it bad enough.

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