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Tim R

Nurses getting PTSD from Pandemic

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"The results from surveys of the UK nursing and midwifery workforce taken at three time points during the first wave of the pandemic in 2020 have found concerning levels of psychological distress, including experiences consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), stress, and anxiety in respondents."


Findings from across all three surveys include:

  • A significant proportion of participants were identified as having probable PTSD. While this declined over the three surveys, almost 29.3% continued to report experiences indicative of a probable post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis three-months after the first pandemic peak.
  • Severe or extreme stress was reported by almost 17.5% respondents three-months after the first pandemic peak.
  • 2% of redeployed respondents reported that training to prepare for redeployment either did not occur or was inadequate.
  • 40% reported that they lacked confidence in infection prevention and control training that they had received, or that training had not been received.
  • 6% felt that the correct personal protective equipment was not always available.
  • Prevalence of some psychological issues decreased following the first pandemic peak, but a significant proportion of participants continued to experience negative psychological effects during the pandemic recovery phase.

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Makes complete sense, almost all hospitals were overwhelmed during the pandemic, and continue to be in some places. I hope nurses worldwide are provided adequate employee resources for therapy and counseling.

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15 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Makes complete sense, almost all hospitals were overwhelmed during the pandemic, and continue to be in some places. I hope nurses worldwide are provided adequate employee resources for therapy and counseling.

They aren't. I would say no one care about them, they give them just a little bit money and that's all. Actually it's not about nurses. Today literally everyone have mental health issues because of THIS.

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