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What's the Context of existence?

38 posts in this topic

And the context of the context? And the context of the context of the context? Ad infintum 

Where is the universe? What is it's position? Where is it located? Nowhere right?  

That doesn't feel comfortable for me help me unravel this. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here indeed groundlessness can make the ego uncomfortable....just get comfortable with being uncomfortable :)



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Content/context is just another silly duality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura what i meant to say where is existence located? After contemplating it, it turns out to be located nowhere.. Is that correct?

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I sometimes feel like you're asking questions just for the sake of asking questions... 

"Location" is an idea. 

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Existence is synonymous with infinity. Dualistic words, which point to nonduality. There is no nonexistence, like there is no fear. 

But that is a pointing, and as such is instantly contextualized. 

The why though, when that is explored, there is actuality. (Also a word which can only point)

‘There’ is only linguistic. You’ve never been there. You’ll never be there. You = here, and as there isn’t a there, there can be no here. Same for past, future and now. But thought makes it seem so. 



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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

located nowhere.. Is that correct

Of course.

Whereness is imaginary.

You cannot apply the notion of whereness to consciousness because consciousness imagines whereness.

For the same reason you cannot apply the notion of thingness to consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I see. But this groundlessness of existence makes me terrified and uncomfortable. 

Existence will not bend to your ego's preferences. This is a hard truth that you'll have to come to accept.

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Just now, Someone here said:

what's your answer to it? 

@Someone here That your question isn't well thought out (remember I commented under  your recent post about you still having so many questions?, where I said that some questions are meaningless)

"Location/position" or "context" are 

a) ideas / dualities

b) occuring within existence (there's no such thing as nonexistence)

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@Tim R I didn't talk about none existence. I said the universe being infinite and boundless is located nowhere. And that this idea makes me uncomfortable. 

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16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Leo GuraGura I see. But this groundlessness of existence makes me terrified and uncomfortable.  

Tough titty.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Someone here said:

I didn't talk about none existence

@Someone here Yes, you implied it in your question: what, if not "nonexistence", is supposed to be the context of existence? 


You say you don't feel comfortable unraveling this, but actually, you can find the greatest comfort in infinity, in groundlessness. 


"He who sleeps on the floor, doesn't fall out of bed"

- Turkish proverb take away the floor...


"Above, not a tile to cover his head, below, not an inch of earth to stand on." 

- from the Zenrin kushū


He who knows infinity... 

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