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Rishabh R

Leo's recent videos

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@Leo GuraYour recent video titled why you fear truth was also an eye opener for me .As I contemplated the questions given in the video I came to the conclusion that I can be more truthful by questioning assumptions before going into any situation and during first stages of a situation(you released a video on Assumptions almost two months ago).So must I question the things which my peers in my collage tell me - like you aren't am attractive ,you are inferior ? Aren't these assumptions that they are making as after socialising,talking to girls I discovered that I have a good sense of humor which makes me attractive ?They also called me inferior once as I don't cheat during examination.But I think that cheating in exams is a sign of inauthenticity.

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Don't let devils gaslight you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Judy2Yeah I once also told one of them them not to call me in a meeting anymore,I also discovered that no matter how much better they score in exam they are still not satisfied with their marks(as they cheat in exam).

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You don't cheat and you have a sense of humour, which is more rare than having good looks.

You are equal/superior to a cheater with good looks.

They might be telling you this to keep you from attracting someone, or perhaps they feel jealous?

I would get new friends, don't listen to them and keep being yourself.

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