Leo Gura

Tai Lopez Scam Coin

23 posts in this topic

I'm at the point where I think proof of work mining should be banned worldwide. Coins that use almost no energy have been around for years and bitcoin itself is an outdated relic that creates tech shortages and drives needless consumption of electricity.


Ethics in marketing? Take a look at some old magazine from the 1930's. Not a whole lot has changed.  I see right wing rags like natural news and the gateway pundit peddling misinformation, and the natural foods industry has done it for years peddling things like alkalizing diets, drinking MMS, expensive supplements for this and that, declustered water, liver flushes, etc.  The only truth marketing cares about is getting you to spend your money.  Some industries are arguably more ethical than others, but even the plant based industry seems to use whatever means it can to separate you from your money.

I encourage people not take any single source of information as gospel...find the little nuggets of truth where you can. Your body regulates it's pH through breathing. It doesn't particularly matter what pH Ash is in the food you eat. ;). In fact the biggest problem in most people's lives that causes health problems is an overactive sympathetic nervous system, from bad daily habits...screen time, lack of social connections, a lack of feeling of fufillment. Evolution and genetics are a bitch, all these irrational drives wired into our limbic brain.

Edited by sholomar

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Gotta be hella slow to still be following Tai Lopez. Maybe if it was their first foray into self help and happened to watch some youtube videos of his like five/six years ago? I think only people dumb enough to still be following him actively are naive teenage boys / young guys that are desperate to buy a sports car and have a hot girlfriend. Guy is a total conman. Only thing I envy about him is his work ethic and ability to commit to something for so long such as  pulling one new scam after another. 

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