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When christians say god is Jesus does it mean God came down on earth personally?

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My enlightened friend says god is one and he is none other than jesus. But I asked him if god is infinite consciousness and is formless then how do god looks like jesus?

He replied " God is consciousness which is correct, but he appeared on earth for saving all people and he did all miracles which proves god personally came to earth ".

He said this world is mere dream in jesus consciousness. And everything is jesus and everyone is jesus. 

But I asked him why do god choose to appear as jesus figure only? There are infinite number of alien civilization and infinite number of universes. Whats special in jesus. Why do I pray to him? 

He said god did incarnate personally as jesus. And he looks like him. We must pray to jesus as god looks like jesus and he is everyone and everything.

I am confused here. Why god which is infinite consciousness  chose only jesus to appear on earth? Did jesus really came from sky?

Did jesus sitting in some dimension who created this world and who personally incarnated on earth to save all humans and is we are one with him?

My friend says " He is everything and is everyone ; and we must pray to jesus only as infinite consciousness chose jesus figure and disclosed how it looks like .

He said god looks like jesus. Is it true guys?

I said him jesus was human only not some sky being. But he rejected and said jesus came from some dimension who created this universe and is one with us.

Is my enlightened friend correct?

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Your friend is not enlightened, he is deluded 

Your friend is a dogmatic nutcase and you are just entertaining ideas you picked up here or somewhere else. This is not a good blend

Edited by Jakuchu

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What you’re directly experiencing is thoughts about what you’re being told.

You can believe those thoughts, or let them go and get on the path to the actuality, or Truth. 

The most grave belief so to speak, of everything you’ve shared, is ‘enlightened friend’. 



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5 minutes ago, Jakuchu said:

Your friend is not enlightened, he is deluded 

But he says he devoted his years into spirituality and enlightenment. 

Actually I follow leo's teaching and he says god is infinite formless consciousness. I was debating with my enlightened friend who somewhat says in the line of leo that god is infinite consciousness who choose jesus figure to appear on earth .

I told him about leo and what he taught me. But he says it is all correct that god is consciousness and reality is a dream . But god which is infinite consciousness incarnated into its infinite form as jesus on earth to lead people on correct path of love. So I must pray to jesus figure only.

I asked him where do jesus came then? He replied " Jesus doesnt came he is reality itself. " . " God actual image is jesus ". 

I asked him whats makes him special and why do I pray jesus figure ? He said " because jesus is manifestation of infinite consciousness and he resides in everyone and in everything. 

Do god really looks like jesus? Is my friend correct? He says he has been into spirituality since many years and know his stuff. 

How can infinite consciousness be born as human figure in its infinite form on earth?


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@machiavelli No, your friend is just using these phrases to push his dogmatic religious worldview and you are gullible enough to believe it. He couldn't care less about what's actually true

"We must pray to Jesus", you honestly gonna take someone who talks like this seriously? Are you out of your mind? 

Edited by Jakuchu

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@machiavelli It's probably a good idea to stop thinking of your friend as "enlightened". That is pure projection and distorts your perception of everything he says or does. 

4 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

But he says he devoted his years into spirituality and enlightenment. 

Perhaps he has, but that doesn't give you permission to believe in what he tells you. Nor does it make everything he says true.


By the way, this also applies to "what Leo has taught you". If you believe in what Leo tells you, you are deluding yourself just as much, maybe even more than your friend who has devoted his life to spirituality. 

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There's a theory that Christianity is a blend of Judaism with other traditions like Greeko-Roman pantheon + philosophy, with a bit of Egyptian mystery religion too. 

The whole story about Mary being impregnated by the holy spirit and Jesus being a son of God comes straight from the demi-gods of pre-Christian paganism. The Gods often used to have sex with humans (in the mythology) and have supermen/women offspring. 

Also a book I read (forgot the name) pointed out that Jesus wasn't alone in claiming to be the Jewish messiah. There were quite a lot in the ancient world. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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3 minutes ago, Jakuchu said:

@machiavelli No, your friend is just using these phrases to push his dogmatic religious worldview and you are gullible enough to believe it 

But his teachings is in line of leo. He says god is infinite consciousness and is jesus who once walked on earth to guide everybody to LOVE. He says jesus was in his infinite form when he appeared on earth. 

I said to him jesus might be true but he was human and how can human be in its infinite god mode form?

He said " This world is manifestation in the consciousness of jesus and everything is Jesus ". That mean I am jesus too. And so is everyone.

He says infinite consciousness looks like jesus figure. 

I replied to him " Consciousness has no form and is nothingness so how consciousness can appear as jesus ".

He said " Jesus is nothingness itself ; Jesus is infinite love ".

I said to him god has no image. But insists god has image and looks like jesus only. So I must pray to jesus figure only . 

Do god really came down on earth personally and are we all jesus?

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@machiavelli If you want people to take you seriously on this forum, then for your own sake just keep silent

Edited by Jakuchu

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4 minutes ago, Jakuchu said:

@machiavelli If you want people to take you seriously on this forum, then for your own sake just shut up 

Why soo mean?  What did I do? I was just clearing my doubts. 

I just want to know is god formless or god looks like jesus? 
Was jesus in infinite god form which came down personally on earth?

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14 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

But his teachings is in line of leo. He says god is infinite consciousness and is jesus who once walked on earth to guide everybody to LOVE. He says jesus was in his infinite form when he appeared on earth. 

I said to him jesus might be true but he was human and how can human be in its infinite god mode form?

He said " This world is manifestation in the consciousness of jesus and everything is Jesus ". That mean I am jesus too. And so is everyone.

He says infinite consciousness looks like jesus figure. 

I replied to him " Consciousness has no form and is nothingness so how consciousness can appear as jesus ".

He said " Jesus is nothingness itself ; Jesus is infinite love ".

I said to him god has no image. But insists god has image and looks like jesus only. So I must pray to jesus figure only . 

Do god really came down on earth personally and are we all jesus?

Boy, that is some serious cognitive dissonance.  I would have laughed in his face because of how absolutely absurd a thing to say that is.

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3 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Boy, that is some serious cognitive dissonance.  I would have laughed in his face because of how absolutely absurd a thing to say that is.

He is into spirituality and enlightenment since many years and has devoted countless hours into enlightenment.

He says " Jesus is everyone and I am jesus too ". 

He says " Jesus lives outside time and space and whole reality is manifestation of Jesus only. " 
I feel confused why infinite consciousness choose a form like jesus. 

Why not aliens? Their are infinite number of universe with alien civilization in it. Why god choose jesus figure only?

Other religion people will not accept jesus image to worship. They have their own beliefs on god . For example islam. They will not accept jesus figure in their entire life to pray. 

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50 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

He is into spirituality and enlightenment since many years and has devoted countless hours into enlightenment.

Well then he’s been doing a terrible job. No offense, but if he still thinks the character of Jesus has anything to do with enlightenment, he completely missed the point of spirituality. I mean that honestly kind of baffles me.

Infinite nothingness has no name and no form, by definition.   The character of Jesus is imaginary and only a temporary form within infinite consciousness. Of course.  

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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24 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:


Infinite nothingness has no name and no form, by definition.   The character of Jesus is imaginary and only a temporary form within infinite consciousness. Of course.  

But he says same too. He emphasize the fact, that christ consciousness is only true. This world is appearance of christ consciousness. He says " God is both form and formlessness ". And God has image which looks like Jesus.

Is it possible jesus was in infinite form when he was on earth?

Man please clear my confusion. 


Edited by machiavelli

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16 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

Man please clear my confusion. 



Yes. Christ consciouness is the source of the universe. Jesus was an embodyment of this consciouness. There were many beings who reached and embodied this consciouness. Jesus was just one of those avatars of god. But god has many avatars. Not just Jesus.

Perhaps this help


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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What Christianity is truly teaching about Jesus is that he is God incarnated,  the Word became flesh so to speak.

Jesus was sent forth for mankind's salvation. 

" God became man so that man might become god " - St. ATHANASIUS.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6

Jesus made it so that people could realize the divine within them, but Christianity holds dear to their hearts that we are divine but not God, as he is on a completely "other" "level".

 "it is true that its natural being, though thus transformed, is as distinct from the Being of God as it was before". - John of the cross

Bishop of Antioch, who in his epistle to the Magnesians, writes, "there is one God, who has manifested Himself by Jesus Christ His Son, who is His eternal Word, not proceeding forth from silence," (i.e., there was not a time when he did not exist).

Jesus was unlike anyone else in history

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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3 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


Yes. Christ consciouness is the source of the universe. Jesus was an embodyment of this consciouness. There were many beings who reached and embodied this consciouness. Jesus was just one of those avatars of god. But god has many avatars. Not just Jesus.

Perhaps this help


He says God has image and he looks like jesus. He rejects that jesus was human who realised that he was God. He instead insists Jesus appeared personally in its infinite form on earth. And God has form that looks like jesus. 

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3 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

He says God has image and he looks like jesus. He rejects that jesus was human who realised that he was God. He instead insists Jesus appeared personally in its infinite form on earth. And God has form that looks like jesus. 

Maybe you misunderstood him somehow. I think yes. God looks like Jesus because he is an embodyment of god. God also looks like Krishna and Shiva and buddha and what not because these beings and god a literally sinonimous. Perhaps this is what he meant.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@machiavelli the name of an enlightened being like ramana maharshi and god are literally the same thing. In that sense yes. God looks like the imagine of ramana maharshi. The same thing can be sayed about many enlightened beings imo.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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