
Owen Cook predictions - Can we trust this guy or not?

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Can we trust this guy or not?

Or is he going into the conspiracy rabbit hole?

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I used to watch him back in the day, when he was into pick up. I think i could say he was my guru during my Orange phase. My first guru. I will always have a deep respect for him for all that he helped me go through.

That said, no way i'm watching 3 hours of him talking about some random thing.

What is he on about in this vids?

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@Evoke I'd advise watching experts talk about what they are experts in.

Owen is an expert at teaching men how to be very successful at casual dating, via the PUA route.

He's not an expert on cultural analysis, which is what it seems like these videos are about.


Also, aside from feeling entertained, reassured, and more hopeful and courageous I never generally got much tangible value from Owen's free videos. I've noticed a lot of people commenting about how they watch his videos, but come away from his videos inspired, yet without knowing exactly what the point of the video was, or having learnt much.

Edited by Ulax

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@Ulax He does give very inspiring talks for those who want success in relationships. And that inspiration does fade away after sometime, specially if you don't go out in the field get positive feedback yourself.

But i did learn a lot from him about innergame and specially on how to hold a conversation. I used to be the guy who could barely talk to my own friends, after studying, mainly through his free videos, i am probably on the top half now, being able to keep most people i talk to entertained without much effort.

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When he talks about societal issues I'm getting cringey conspiracy bait vibes from him. It's all extremely vague and makes allusions to 'them trying to control us' etc without ever actually saying anything of substance. I'm pretty sure he's referring to Covid and the lockdowns etc which he's against

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I like Owen’s videos but wasn’t a big fan of this series because it was way too rambly and not that entertaining. His old videos used to be funnier and actually make me laugh out loud now his “humor” is spitting on the ground or something dumb.

Owen is paranoid he will be deplatformed so he never clearly says what he’s referring too. I think he’s honest about his experience and seeing worrisome things as Owen has always been someone who tries to network and meet people in high up places. He’s alluded to having friendships and backdoor conversations with celebrities, billionaires, tech giant founders, and even state dept people. I don’t think he’s bullshitting either because he’s posted insta stories of himself at high class parties with the Walmart family for example and also mentioned the CEO membership organization he said he was a part of and it checked out. Probably he is concerned about things they have been preparing for that they don’t directly tell the public to avoid panic. 
it’s really not conspiratorial to take notice we live in a time of great cultural upheaval.

Edited by Raze

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Fundamentally he is right that society brainwashes you.

Then again, his content is also a form of brainwashing.

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Just started watching this series after hearing about the inner circles claiming Owen hasn't got the jab and that he hints that he is against forced vaccination and vaccine-mandates. 

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Just look at all those clowns sitting in that hotel seminar room listening to this dope. People really need to watch their information intake.  

Edited by Lyubov

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how can you guys even listen to that, he talks like a wind/up toy

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3 hours ago, dalink said:

Just started watching this series after hearing about the inner circles claiming Owen hasn't got the jab and that he hints that he is against forced vaccination and vaccine-mandates. 

Its pretty clear that he belives the masses are brainwashed in this regard. After listening a lot to him recently i would have been really suprised if he took the vaccine. 

He constantly make claims that he hasent got sick in ten years because of vitamins and herbs and what  not. I have friends in spiritual circles who post videos daily about covid being a hoax, vaccine fear mongering etc. Its strange to see someone like Owen going in that direction, makes me wonder if what those people say got traction. 

I guess conspiracy theories is kind of my shadow. I dont want them to be right in any regard. 

Have you watched the series? @Leo Gura

Edited by Evoke

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Yeah no idea how anyone could possibly listen to this dude, he's a caricature saying nothing of importance or value, and he's just shouting

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9 minutes ago, wildflower said:

Yeah no idea how anyone could possibly listen to this dude, he's a caricature saying nothing of importance or value, and he's just shouting

I bought his Hot Seat course earlier this year and liked it. He have nuanced understanding about human social behavior which i like. Listening to him can also lift up my mood a little. 

But these series i posted was kind of disturbing. 

Edited by Evoke

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2 hours ago, Evoke said:

Have you watched the series? @Leo Gura



His position on vax isn't great, and some of conspiratorial predictions are misguided, but he makes many other good points. You gotta learn how to scrutinize the things he says and pick out the specks of gold.

I have noticed that PUAs tend to be anti-vax. Naturally PUAs tend to be anti-mainstream because it helps them get laid. That's their bias. They don't appreciate the function and value of the mainstream because they aren't thinking big picture enough.

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Tyler resents mainstream medicine and mainstream media because when he was a kid they put him on drugs that he said made him worse, and he tried to use mainstream advice to get girls and it failed horribly.

He resents the lockdowns because his friend died of an overdose after his addiction meetings got cancelled and his mother in law was dying of cancer but incapable of getting treatment. Also because he only shops at small businesses and encourages his clients to start small businesses the lockdown crushed them financially. 

In recent videos he has been talking a lot about a Christianity and saying he wants to move away from the cities into nature, and seems to resent the big city culture and hook up culture as he was complaining about degeneracy of everyone smoking weed, ghosting, etc. 

I’m expecting him to do a 180 turn in his content soon.

Edited by Raze

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

In recent videos he has been talking a lot about a Christianity and saying he wants to move away from the cities into nature, and seems to resent the big city culture and hook up culture as he was complaining about degeneracy of everyone smoking weed, ghosting, etc. 

I’m expecting him to do a 180 turn in his content soon.

This has to be rumors? Wtf has changed so drastically in the nightclub schene the last 5 years? I presume nothing. 

The problem of ghosting is real though. And I took his programs partly for that reason. So now even the master himself cant get through ghosting? 

Edited by Evoke

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1 hour ago, Evoke said:

This has to be rumors? Wtf has changed so drastically in the nightclub schene the last 5 years? I presume nothing

Nothing has changed about nightclub culture. Owen is just wising up and realizing how shallow chasing girls is.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing has changed about nightclub culture. Owen is just wising up and realizing how shallow chasing girls is.

I would gladly give it all up and focusing on enlightenment but as a single guy in his 30s, its not realistic. 


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Enlightenment is not for most people.

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@Lews Therin Fair play, bro.

Glad to hear you got that value.

Perhaps, different people get different things.

Your comment is reminding me of some of the cool stuff that I learnt from him too. I think he is really especially beneficial for people who had a shitty set of cards dealt to them mentally in life. I know I was one of them for sure :).

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