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Ethan Marnewick

If i am everything, why does it seem like I'm human?

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If i am my coffee table as much as i am Ethan, then why do i experience Ethan and not coffee table?


Why am i not a coffee table that tries to find out what it is versus being Ethan that's trying to find out what he is?

Why am i aware of Ethan in default and not coffee table by default?



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3 minutes ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

If i am my coffee table as much as i am Ethan, then why do i experience Ethan and not coffee table?

But you are experiencing the coffee table. You are your experience.

The coffee table is as much your body as the biological body that you think you are limited to. 

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How do i prove to myself that i am the coffee table without the answer being to just take in everyone else's beliefs and then to hammer it into me?


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Good! Don't believe. Become aware for yourself. You can use what others say as pointers, but you need to look for yourself and not get fascinated with the pointers. 

It's not a matter of "proving" that you are the coffee table. It's more like verifying or falsifying a claim for yourself. 

The whole game here is to find out who you are.

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36 minutes ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

If i am my coffee table as much as i am Ethan, then why do i experience Ethan and not coffee table?


Why am i not a coffee table that tries to find out what it is versus being Ethan that's trying to find out what he is?

Why am i aware of Ethan in default and not coffee table by default?



@Ethan Marnewick Any "why" question points to the relative perspective.  It's essentially saying, "what caused this?"  Cause and effect are relative terms, but your true identity is an Absolute.  This line of questioning is only going to cause more confusion.  I suggest asking "what" questions, so that you can discover the nature of reality, both relative and absolute.  Ask, "what is a coffee table, or what is a human?"

Let me give you a hint.  There are no coffee tables or humans.  I'm not asking for blind acceptance.  Look for yourself.  If you see something labeled "coffee table," your mind adds the label, but its not found anywhere outside your mind.  Let's go down one level.  You aren't actually seeing a coffee table, but you are seeing wood.  The mind added "coffee table" to the wood.  How do you know that's the case?  If "coffee table" was actually something possessing the quality of existence, you could give me the coffee table and keep the wood for yourself.  You can further deconstruct the wood in the same manner, and you continue going until you realize that no "thing" has an independent existence of it's own.  Everything is a mode of the one substance, as Spinoza might put it.  That includes humans.  All of the relative world is nothing more than names and forms appearing in You.

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Oh i see, so it's a game of purifying my beliefs that hold me back from realising my true nature. And then awakening will follow spontaneously the more i meditate and purify my beliefs, correct?

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23 minutes ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

How do i prove to myself that i am the coffee table without the answer being to just take in everyone else's beliefs and then to hammer it into me?


I understand your confusion. The reason is because you simply haven't experienced a different STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

@Ethan Marnewick  a.k.a  EGO -  is a STATE of consciousness. 

Your dreams at night is another state of consciousness, per se. 

What happens If you meditate or do Kriya yoga or other spiritual practices you may stumble upon DIFFERENT, HIGHER states of concisouness, where the boundries of your identity - EGO - EXPAND and you ( depending on what state of consciousness you stumble upon)   BECOME  EVERYTHING, or NOTHING , or you merge with your visual field aka - samadhi experience  .

And  once this happens, you will have  enough reference experience to understand that all this time you've been a fish in water taking for granted the EGO state as the one and only state of consciousness.

Obviously from your current state of consciousness you are not a coffee table. It's not true in that state. In your dream it's true that you can fly. Once you wake up it's not any more .


That's just a certain depth of it. There are infinite more degrees that I dont know yet.


If you want anwsers, learn the spiritual theory and then take some psychedelics, to have some ground when you are mid- trip.

But that's only if you really want anwsers. Do not go on this path if you don't want to see behind the curtains. 

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God isnt coffee table or anything else that is form. God is in the coffee table and everything else that is form. 

God is you but you are not God. Cheese is milk but milk is not cheese. Therefore you feel like human, because you are one. No need to buy into dissociation masquaradeing as enlightenment in this forum and non dual cirkles in general.


Thats my view.

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Just now, Ethan Marnewick said:

Oh i see, so it's a game of purifying my beliefs that hold me back from realising my true nature. And then awakening will follow spontaneously the more i meditate and purify my beliefs, correct?

Sounds about right:)

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There is no Ethan. There is no coffee table. There is no you. And that’s what “you” are. Any typical spiritual practice taken far enough will show you this. Some are faster/more effective than others. Don’t forget that there is Ethan though. Don’t forget that there is a coffee table though. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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You're as conscious of the coffee table being a part of your bubble of sensory perception as you are conscious of your body. Both are being perceived by consciousness. Once you get it, it's gonna be the most basic and obvious thing

Same with the room, the sky, all people, animals and objects, and surprise, the entire perceived universe.

Check out my project's new music video about climate change issues: Day Of Change - Earth Failure (Official music video)

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5 hours ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

How do i prove to myself that i am the coffee table without the answer being to just take in everyone else's beliefs and then to hammer it into me?

Take a psychedelic and you'll see how obvious it is. You will laugh.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

Oh i see, so it's a game of purifying my beliefs that hold me back from realising my true nature. And then awakening will follow spontaneously the more i meditate and purify my beliefs, correct?

What's holding you back is your state of consciousness.

If you don't change your state you will never realize you are the coffee table.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

How do i prove to myself that i am the coffee table

 You are the empty space in which the self and the coffee table arise.

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17 hours ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

If i am my coffee table as much as i am Ethan, then why do i experience Ethan and not coffee table?

Why am i not a coffee table that tries to find out what it is versus being Ethan that's trying to find out what he is?

Why am i aware of Ethan in default and not coffee table by default?

That you are, or could be, or could realize you are a coffee table is actually a misunderstanding of direct experience.

‘Ethan’ & ‘coffee table’ are thoughts, which you are equally aware of, like any other thoughts. 

17 hours ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

How do i prove to myself that i am the coffee table without the answer being to just take in everyone else's beliefs and then to hammer it into me?

You’ve already taken in the belief you could prove or realize you are a coffee table. 

For an I to prove something to a myself, there would have to be two entities, an I, and a myself. Notice these are two thoughts (‘I’ & ‘myself’), not two things or entities (which you could point to). 

17 hours ago, Ethan Marnewick said:

Oh i see, so it's a game of purifying my beliefs that hold me back from realising my true nature. And then awakening will follow spontaneously the more i meditate and purify my beliefs, correct?

It’s not that beliefs are purified per se. It’s that arising thoughts are presently believed as quickly as they are arising, which could be referred to as thought reaction, thought attachment, or, monkey mind.

That ‘reacting’ is referred to as craving & aversion, being ‘stuck in the matrix’, ‘being asleep’, or most simply, what suffering is. 

Thoughts can be meditatively ‘let go’ by giving attention to the breath instead of the thoughts. 

Consider your car, as compared to miscellaneous cars on the road. There is little mental engagement with cars on the road, because they aren’t believed to be yours or about you. They come & go freely and this is of no concern to you. There is much engagement with thoughts, because they are believed, and thus seem like  “your thoughts”, and many seem to be true about you, like ‘Ethan’, ‘I’ & ‘myself’. 

As you allow thoughts to freely come & go, without reacting, emotions are more pronounced. Understanding the emotions you are experiencing therefore couples very well with meditation, and I’d recommend spending some time with each daily. 

Before beginning meditation and understanding emotions, I’d address any nutritional opportunities. I recommend the loophole shake as it is cheap, packed with nutrients, incredibly simple, and tastes great. (Thus, the diet ‘loophole’). 

This (nutrition, meditation & understanding of emotions) is most often the difference between a very rocky tumultuous path filled with spiritual ego, nihilism, God complexes, solipsism, new meta-beliefs, etc, and a smooth profoundly enjoyable life enriching relationship enhancing path. This is foundational alignment imo, and it is spacious, wonderful and the gift in & of itself so to speak. As in, not a goal to be reached, but a natural unfolding of Truth. 

This brings about cessation, or, the end of suffering. 

Then I’d consider psychedelics. 

I’d also make a dreamboard, and put everything & anything you want to experience on it, as it comes to mind. Then I’d receive everything wanted, by aligning focus with thoughts about what you want, which feel good to you. 



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12 hours ago, cetus said:

 You are the empty space in which the self and the coffee table arise.


2 hours ago, Nahm said:

That you are, or could be, or could realize you are a coffee table is actually a misunderstanding of direct experience.

‘Ethan’ & ‘coffee table’ are thoughts, which you are equally aware of, like any other thoughts. 

You’ve already taken in the belief you could prove or realize you are a coffee table. 

For an I to prove something to a myself, there would have to be two entities, an I, and a myself. Notice these are two thoughts (‘I’ & ‘myself’), not two things or entities (which you could point to). 

It’s not that beliefs are purified per se. It’s that arising thoughts are presently believed as quickly as they are arising, which could be referred to as thought reaction, thought attachment, or, monkey mind.

That ‘reacting’ is referred to as craving & aversion, being ‘stuck in the matrix’, ‘being asleep’, or most simply, what suffering is. 

Thoughts can be meditatively ‘let go’ by giving attention to the breath instead of the thoughts. 

Consider your car, as compared to miscellaneous cars on the road. There is little mental engagement with cars on the road, because they aren’t believed to be yours or about you. They come & go freely and this is of no concern to you. There is much engagement with thoughts, because they are believed, and thus seem like  “your thoughts”, and many seem to be true about you, like ‘Ethan’, ‘I’ & ‘myself’. 

As you allow thoughts to freely come & go, without reacting, emotions are more pronounced. Understanding the emotions you are experiencing therefore couples very well with meditation, and I’d recommend spending some time with each daily. 

Before beginning meditation and understanding emotions, I’d address any nutritional opportunities. I recommend the loophole shake as it is cheap, packed with nutrients, incredibly simple, and tastes great. (Thus, the diet ‘loophole’). 

This (nutrition, meditation & understanding of emotions) is most often the difference between a very rocky tumultuous path filled with spiritual ego, nihilism, God complexes, solipsism, new meta-beliefs, etc, and a smooth profoundly enjoyable life enriching relationship enhancing path. This is foundational alignment imo, and it is spacious, wonderful and the gift in & of itself so to speak. As in, not a goal to be reached, but a natural unfolding of Truth. 

This brings about cessation, or, the end of suffering. 

Then I’d consider psychedelics. 

I’d also make a dreamboard, and put everything & anything you want to experience on it, as it comes to mind. Then I’d receive everything wanted, by aligning focus with thoughts about what you want, which feel good to you. 



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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

“Oh. ‘Bullet’ is a thought.”

Gonna catch it one way or another. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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