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The Sedona Method

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Hello, Just wanted to share this book "The Sedona Method"

I didn't finish it yet I'm only in the beginning but wow, after experiencing his technique of releasing/letting go it blew my mind how simple it was and how fast the results were showing up!


The method has 5 steps / 5 questions to ask:

What are you feeling NOW?

Could you welcome/allow that feeling?

Could you let it go?

Would you let it go?


I was overthinking and thought I wouldn't do it correctly for X reasons. 

But today, I sat on my couch, I meditated for 5 minutes & naturally I thought "Okay what am I feeling now ?" 

I felt a sensation into a part of my body, and just by being curious to feel it & allow it the more I could, I felt immense sadness & anger that I was keeping in my body for maybe years (felt like a beast, I was screaming of anger...) All I had to do is to go the deeper as I can into the emotion and then it popped like a bubble!

I did the process five times in a row and the feeling after this is great. I feel lighter, more peaceful, clear-minded, and I feel like something in me has changed forever. I feel tired too because it was a lot of emotions but can't wait to do it again each day. 
I'm just amazed of how simple it is ! So glad that I've found this book it feels like I discovered today how to deal with my emotions, I hope it will help you too. 

Merry Christmas!

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This seems good. This has been on my mind for such a long time. Will bookmark this post 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I did a 3 day workshop on this releasing process. It’s super useful for people who think a lot. At one point I felt like a head on wheels with no connection to my body. It helped me think less and feel more 

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Most of the time i don't feel much change besides some lighter feeling afterward but I remember one instance I was in a dark place for some time, decided to do this technique in bed before sleep and slept on it. 

I had some strange dream with my grandmother. I hardly remember my dreams, so I don't remember any detail but she was crying and I had the urge to hug and comfort her like I was her dad or and she was a toddler. I held her tight and suddenly I felt this huge ball of loveenergy in my heart chakra getting hotter and hotter, I WOKE UP in the middle of it and the sensation remained the same until it bursted like a ballon full of warm water, spreading instantly throughout my body and I felt SO MUCH FUCKING LOVE all my problems disappeared in a second, all I was left was pure love.

I remained in this state, in awe and shock for some time until I slept again.

It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life and I was completely sober.

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I’ve heard that the Sedona method author used a different technique to become enlightened and turned it into the sedona method, but the technique he used is superior than what he published with the Sedona method.

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18 hours ago, Gabith said:

I felt a sensation into a part of my body, and just by being curious to feel it & allow it the more I could, I felt immense sadness & anger that I was keeping in my body for maybe years (felt like a beast, I was screaming of anger...) All I had to do is to go the deeper as I can into the emotion and then it popped like a bubble!

Fantastic, love this - thanks for sharing :) I know that for me personally, relearning how to feel has been absolutely central to my spiritual growth; we tend to learn to shut down emotionally from a young age, and reversing that trend can be hugely challenging (certainly has been for me, Jesus). Sounds like you've had a big breakthrough though, fantastic!

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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