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Can you do little energy reading (or something like that) for me?

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This is for two reasons, one is because I have some physical/mental/emotional weirdness going on and another is that I'm interested in this energy stuff.

I've been having arrhythmia for about three weeks. It's not that unusual for me, it's quite normal for me to have some arrythmia every now and then. But now it's been going on for unusually long. Basically every time I lie down my hearbeat goes weird. It's happening right now as I'm writing, there is out-of-rhythm beats almost constantly.

Some emotions seem to be linked to the arrhythmia: frustration, fear, and feeling a bit 'disconnected' from life. There are thoughts as if the heart could stop at any second, and it feels kind of disorienting.

Yesterday as I was going to sleep, there was a sudden pain in my chest right between wakefulness and falling asleep. I don't think it was physcal pain, it felt more like energy. It lasted for like a second, it made me alert, and some panicy thoughts followed. I started experiencing thoughts that made it seem like I was going to die that night, like at some point the heart will fail. It felt very acute, as if it was going to happen right there and then. It was almost like some near-death experience. I could imagine myself dead in clarity, I could see my heart stopping, me floating above my dead body. It felt a bit like a mystical experience. But I managed to calm down, focus on breathing and letting the thoughts go. Yet, the arrythmia continues this morning.

This arrhythmia is quite likely not any dangerous type, but I will see a doctor if it will not get better. I'm not asking any diagnosis or miracles from you, just curious to see what you get from this.

If you can do a distant energy reading, see my aura or something like that, I'd be super interested to hear what you see. What could this arrythmia be about, emotionally/energetically speaking?

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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