
Mass formation via the pandemic

6 posts in this topic

I've liked this video:


Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms W/ Prof. Mattias Desmet | Aubrey Marcus Podcast



The virus exists and is dangerous for **some people**, but this situation in the world, the narrative and non-sensical restrictions aren't only about the virus every country is innocently fighting against, and there's more to all that.


No worries, 5G and Bill Gaits don't get mentioned   :D


Edited by rnd

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Thanks for sharing!

It is so nice to see that there are some individuals that are capable of expanding their consciousness and awareness above the duality that is/are being played out between Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax, between Left ideology and right ideology, beyond the delusional perspectives and stories that some Actualize.org followers “seem” to attach to, from the top down!

It is so nice to see that there are a few individuals that can rise above dehumanizing of other peoples POV, and are capable of rising above the current Psychic Mass Formation that is playing out at this time in our Human Psychic Evolution.   

I’ve made this point many times in the past on a few posts, and I will repeat it again; There are a lot of people on these forums proclaiming how conscious and aware they are, tossing around words like Nothingness, Non-duality, Collective responsibility, Love, Absolute God Consciousness, that this is just a Dream, etc. and yet they are so engrossed in their own survival and fear that they mindlessly collapse into a limited bubble, a collective bubble of delusional mind deceptions, which includes being trapped in the Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left ideology vs Right ideology STORIES! etc…….

I don’t care how many DMT trips you take, how much you meditate, how may retreats you go on, how wonderful and colourful your vocabular sounds, what intellectual words you know and spew out!  If you fail to do the “WORK” you will continuously fall into degrees of “Spiritual Bypassing” (Google).  I know, because I have fallen in these trap’s countless times on my own journey. 

If you truly want to become enlightened, it’s going to take more than taking hundred trips on DMT, or thousand of hours and days of meditation etc.  Yes, this all HELPS, but only within degrees of moderation. These “Tools” should not become a crutch or prop on your journey!

In my “Opinion”, when you CAN observe every thought, idea, image, belief and emotion from a nonjudgmental, unattached perspective, 24 and 7, and then with awareness, “TRANSFORM” and “DIRECT” those thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs and emotions into CREATIVITY, the Creativity of your own reality, the creativity of the Collective Reality, then you can say, “I am on the “PATH” to enlightenment”. 

You will then be able to rise above the Psychic Mass Formation that is currently playing out on both sides of Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left vs Right ideology, beyond the collective Ego mentality!

The goal is not to see how fast you can become GOD Conscious, or "To be “IT”!      This is an illusion that will never happen because God Consciousness is always “Becoming” and you will never catch up to “IT”.

The Goal is to savour and experience all gradations of consciousness and awareness, to play consciously with awareness in endless multidimensional realities and forms of BEINGNESS.  To create your own independent limited “BEINGS” and Reality’s, and to then give unconditional freedom to the Creativity of “Becoming.”

Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions!

Edited by TDLH

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What really amazes me is why hasn’t Leo, or some of the more awakened (so called awakened) Mods risen above the Psychic Mass Formation that is being played out on both sides of the Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax hallucination?

They constantly counsel and talk with followers about the pitfalls of Fear and the collective Ego delusion, Devilry, and the pitfalls of being attached to limited narrowminded states of Duality, and yet they sit on the sidelines silent, or pushing the Pro-Vax narrative!

The only conclusions I can formulate from the Mass Silence,or Pro-Vax narrative, is that they are either caught-up in the Collective Psychic Mass Formation that is being played out!   Or,

They have been silenced, and they fear the Media reprisal and negative connotations that would attach to Actualized.org, Or,

Leo is caught in a paradigm of Survival, which is threating his relationship, livelihood, his standing and privileges with Youtube!   Or,


The Human collective Ego is going through a Psychic Mass Formation of Devilry on both sides of the fence, and yet there is nothing but silence about this Madness or Devilry from the top tiers!  Why is that?

Let me make this very clear!   I am not Pro-vax or Anti-Vax!  I have taken both Vaccines as a courtesy to family members and neighbours who are caught-up in their fears and Survival!  Having said that, I am conscious and awake enough to know that something isn’t right with the narrative, and I question the Devilry on both sides of the fence, and “YOU SHOULD TOO”!


Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!

Edited by TDLH

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On 12/25/2021 at 11:57 AM, TDLH said:

There are a lot of people on these forums proclaiming how conscious and aware they are, tossing around words like Nothingness, Non-duality, Collective responsibility, Love, Absolute God Consciousness, that this is just a Dream, etc. and yet they are so engrossed in their own survival and fear that they mindlessly collapse into a limited bubble, a collective bubble of delusional mind deceptions, which includes being trapped in the Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax, Left ideology vs Right ideology STORIES! etc…….


It shouldn't be such a  big deal.

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