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How can I stop having social anxiety?

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I have social anxiety when I am in social situations. I tend to get very tense and anxious talking to others. I don't feel like I ever really get loose and comfortable in social settings. I want to know how I can stop having social anxiety and loosen up in social situations.

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Inflammation from your diet could be causing a lot of it. 

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For me caffeine will cause me to have anxiety. So something like that could potentially be the cause. 

I use to have panic attacks going in stores. Eventually what I would do is just hangout in the store while feeling like that. I have completely eliminated it from that. You could maybe try this with getting into more uncomfortable social situations. Something like trying pickup could really help you push through that. 

Also, something you could try to do is reframe the anxiety as excitement. They are both higher energy, so it can be easier than just trying to calm yourself down. 

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@NightHawkBuzz Focus on something that matters.

I'd disagree re focusing on diet inflammation.

Focus on your base psychic impulses, and structure.

Go do IFS therapy. And, do extensive self-work on your own along side your therapy using IFS books.


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Don't focus on mind nonsense. Learn talking stupidly and bluntly.. This works for me with severe withholding caused by high anxiety for almost my entire life. 

More thinking caused more anxiety. And ofcourse it have been hold by unseen trauma and shadow. Shadow work make the flow so much better, never been happier than now in my social life. No weird fragmentation behind my freak mind lol.

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Just go to YouTube and type social anxiety?


Edited by hyruga

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